Who is your guy? Opster, Ant, or Jim. If you had to pick...

0  2013-03-13 by [deleted]

I'm just curious. Quick poll. Name your guy of the three in a comment. I'm just interested is all. I dont care about Opie Hate, Rantin' Ant, or Self-righteous Yimmy. Just a one word comment, please. No opinions/discussion. I'll post the totals tomorrow night and we can discuss it all we want then.

         Cheers, fellas (and the two ladies)

Tired Jimmy,















Your mother's a cunt.


Relax, dummy.


It's a joke, chill the fuck out. I do not know you're mother, she's probably a pleasant lady. You're taking this "poll" way too seriously, that's why everyone is down voting you. Just let everyone say whatever the fuck they want, stop giving a care.


Nobody seems to want to actually vote

Exactly. So just shut the fuck up about people following suit and voting your way. The upvote button is there for a reason, let people use it. No one is "taking a stand" because they don't care enough and it's easier to just call you an asshole.

Also, I hate you.




Drunk Jimmy.

No opinions/discussion? GFYS.

I'm one of those "newer" listeners... I guess I've listened since around 2007...

I've gone back and listened to pretty much every show, but I just can't get into the show before Jimmy came on. Even the early Jimmy years, when we was over the top ranting/angry guy, are a bit difficult for me to listen to. I think the show hit its peak a few years after Jimmy joined, when they all weren't completely frustrated by management and haters, and when they became a bit more laid back and comfortable with their positions in radio, if that makes sense. Also, when they would build up to Friday shows and have tons of different comics on, esp. CQ, it was great. Now it seems like everyone has their own shitty podcast and no one ever comes on, except maybe Tom Papa.







You sound grumpy. Stop taking stupid shitty polls so seriously. Your "try" sucked balls.


Count Wopula



Drown all three Andrea Yates style, one on top of the other. Jimmy will be last so he can watch them all suffer.


Anthony all the way.

Regular Joe

Opie for me




Worst thread of the week, humblebrag you are a faggot


and this, boys and girls, is what we call a failed post.



thanks for your consideration.
