I want sim city. Which one was Ant playing on today's show?

0  2013-03-12 by fspnj

I would really appreciate it. My Fiancee would love one too. Do they work on Mac OS?


Your on reddit and you haven't heard or can't find out there was a new sim city out, especially with all the heat it's been taken?

It's not for Mac yet. They said spring 2013. I guess that could mean weeks to months.


No sweat man. I was being a little sarcastic and didnt mean to sound mean. But you are gonna have to wait till they start making it for the Mac.


its not out on mac yet.


Sim City 5. He complained about the servers earlier, which was gold, but once you get past that issue it looks to be a solid game. Check it out through amazon, although I'd probably wait until the bugs go away.

Have they fixed the server problems? And/or is it worth buying now?

I think it's fine now, but I'm not sure, as I don't actually own the game.

Anthony plays Sim City? He really is just a fad having motherfucker isn't he?


I meant you never hear about him playing something obscure. He just plays what the kids are playing.


The new one. Yes you can get it on your shitty os.

I meant you never hear about him playing something obscure. He just plays what the kids are playing.