Monster Voice just went viral on /r/videos.

14  2013-03-12 by [deleted]



wish it was still just monster voice and joe, that was the best bob would shit on joe and then monster voice would laugh and joe would shit on him and then bob would tell em both to shut up

but then they got too funny for bob so he had to get a gaggle of open mic'ers, i only have listened to the the recent opie one since the good shows and god that show is the bobs ego show now, that luis gomez guy is such a shit dick, bunch of boring unfunny UFC fans.


When did Billy say this?

I think Bobby feels his time as the lower man on the totem pole, as on O&A, is over. He feels like he paid his dues as that guy for years, and now wants to be the guy to rip on new low men on the totem pole, like DeRosa, then Soder, then Kelly, and lead his own wolfpack somehow.

I thought you meant Kelly as in Ghenghis DeLuise and nearly flew to Ontario to take a shit on your recently vaccumed floor.


