Jimmy is a hilarious dude..

17  2013-03-04 by [deleted]

But he really needs to stick to being funny. Outraged Jimmy is a fucking MORON. Holy shit. And he's calling someone else a smug cunt?


I was laughing when he was fighting with Colin and he asked "do you think i am that good at being passive aggressive ?" Yes, you are great at it.

Yeah but don't you know that in the future there will be no privacy and we'll all be one consciousness and EUCK.

I was wondering if he has been listen to rogans podcast lately. Cause the whole thing about soon we are just gonna start reading minds sounded like Joe Hogan's words.

Haven't. But for all the shit he gives Michio Kaku for being vague or odd he certainly isn't much better.

Although there was def some hypocrisy, I couldn't believe Jimmy thought us having certain relations with china and rodman basically saying he's besties with Great leader is the same. Rodman was literally saying how nice and great the guy was. Then he says fuck South Korea and shit. Idk, I'm not into having a military presence everywhere, but he was making little sense.

I don't think that was his point. He wasn't upset with Rodman as much as he was George Stephanopoulos and how he opened up the segment.

"A country that intentionally starves its citizens," ::Plays clip of Rodman saying Un is "awesome," "Not to mention, they've murdered hundreds of their own people..."

lol Joe Hogan


You have it backwards. Rogan got the idea from Jimmy when he went on Rogan's podcast (which I highly recommend if anyone hasn't heard it).


I always think "WWCQS?"

(what would colin quinn say)

If you keep this in mind while listening to the show you will have a much better listening experience.

Shit... Thats brilliant... I am going to apply this to my daily life as well, sorta like a challenge.


Without stupid outrage, we would never have awesome bits like Jimmy hates the Ocean

My favorite Jimmy lines usually come from rants.

e.g. Last week when discussing the new pope,

"It couldn't have gone worse with a white pope. I mean if they were literally selling child fucking movies, it would've been more respectable for the honesty."

Shits laughs. Also when he's in a fight on-air he would have the quickest come backs that involves some sort of hyperbole that has me in tears.

Or this little bit o' heaven.

I can like him when he's being serious sometimes, but when he's angry about something (a few of the same things in particular), he can be irrational and repetitive, and it can become annoying.

Same here. I love Jimmy, but I'm 50/50 when he gets serious. Half the time he makes great points and half the time he sounds like a child arguing.









Bobo Tetley!!!!

(It's my new bit. Fo da show.)

Bill Tetley!

I usually like future Jimmy, but the matter of fact way he states these crazy outlandish statements can get annoying. "Absolutely everyone will know everyone elses thoughts at all times of course that's going to happen" His understanding of tech is pretty poor, yet he throws out this shit with such conviction it's laughable. At least Anthony looks at it from a logistical point of view, but Jimmy just responds with more crazy bullshit. Someday were going to have Judge Dredd guns that only work when the owner fires it and every bullet is going to be imprinted with DNA! Yeah Jimmy that won't make guns/ammo cost a ton, and criminals won't be able to figure out how to defeat that to use them illegally.

  1. Summarize stuff you've seen in science fiction.
  2. Conflate futurism with progress.
  3. Argue for the above's inevitability without any basis.
  4. Repeat yourself.

I was laughing when he was fighting with Colin and he asked "do you think i am that good at being passive aggressive ?" Yes, you are great at it.

The CQ incident had me giggling. Colin was largely joking while accurately calling Jimmy out on being a phony, and that was Jim's best response back.


it was weird how angry he got at stephanopoulos... yea, it's true that we have relationships with other fucked up countries... but dennis rodman clearly did not know anything about anything and wasn't able to speak intelligently about why human rights violations are irrelevant on a diplomatic mission, or to at least attempt to contextualize it somehow. not that we would expect him to, but whatever. he was barely speaking english, so it makes sense to me that the news guy would be frustrated and try to call him out on the idiocy of his worthless comments.


I agree. Today's show made me completely lose respect for Jimmy. He really was just as dumb as Dennis Rodman here. He has no idea about what the "Supreme Leader" is up to or what he is about, yet felt the need to rant about it and actually defended the guy. He made so many astoundingly dumb ass uniformed statements about North Korea I am still pissed off about it. What a fucking idiot.

The guy pays women to shit on him and his lame geopolitical COMMENTS turn you off?

It should be called "The Jimmy show, with Opie and Anthony."

I'm more fond of "The Anthony Cumia Show Starring Jim Norton with Gregg Hughes."

shit, now thats a show i'm interested in!

Once a month guest Greg Hughes, then it would be great!

ha good call. thats what its turned into lately huh?

I'm always amazed at how little he knows about pop culture especially music... even older stuff

They need to repurpose some Jimmy audio into "Jim Norton, Pop Culture Retard" a' la the "pillow diva" bits. When Craig Robinson was in he had no idea he played the keyboard, which Craig has played on almost everything he's been in. One that happened a few weeks ago was I think Joel McHale or some other comedian friend was in, he mentioned something he was involved in and Jimmy said "what's that?" Which was obviously something pretty popular. And of course the "I don't know what they sound like" about 80% of all music.

Ok 'Twitter guy voice' calm down.

Future jimmy is a dolt.

I hate the definitive way Jimmy talks about the future, and other subjects, but the future especially. He just NEEDS to make his points, that pompous idiot has even gotten to the point of stating: "I've said this before...", oh great, professor Norton has made his diagnosis. Shut the fuck up. He stamps on religion or other groups who follow blindly to outlandish and ridiculous statements but he worships anything that comes out of Kurzweil's mouth. Someone who could be seen as a genius or a demagogue but at the very least is dubious.

During the Sandusky trials, psychiatrist James Norton felt the need to pontificate about the difference between gay pedophiles and straight pedophiles. It was infuriating not just for being a completely redundant distinction to make, but because he went ON AND ON about it without even trying to be funny

I love outraged Jimmy. One of the reasons I got into the show.

Why do you let it bother you so much? You shouldn't blame jimmy you should try to understand why what a person says prompts you to go online and post about it.

You can't go through life without hearing someone saying something you disagree with. You can go through life hearing things you don't like and letting it roll off your back.

I think you're too invested into what's said because you hold Jimmy as an authoritative figure. You need to conclude that he is just a person, he has opinions and if you disagree with them then that's that. Stop wasting energy on worrying about every single word that is spoken on a radio show.

Colin pwnd Jimmy last week. Colin was being funny but there was a ton of honesty is everything he said. He got under Jimmy's skin.



I wish Colin was in more often to call out Jimmy's inane futurism bullshit. I would have less of a problem with it if he didn't state his ideas like definitive fact.

Also, I'm tired of how he claims that he is reasonable and will accept an opposing view that is more reasonable than his own, but then always backs into a corner and says "Yeah, but I just think...." and reiterates the same point he just made. Enough already!

I think Jimmy going at the legend CQ last week all got our panties in a bunch haha

Does anyone know where he stayed when he played Poconuts this past weekend?


i agree. he sounds like every other douche when he repeats the same point over and over talking in circles. we get it. get back to the funny.

Yeah, his serious opinions on things are so fucking uniformed, I want to like Jimmy, but he's SO MUCH more of an insufferable Lib than he was three or so years ago.

whoa whoa whoa! he isn't liberal, ok? he only has their beliefs and says things liberals say. thats all.

That was fucking golden. I cannot believe you got downvoted for that. I spit beer on my laptop ya cunt...




No, no. You're thinking of Bailey Jay who made it har...oh, I see what you meant. Let's just go ahead and forget that thing about the chick with a dick/man with great boobs thing I was totally joking about there. Yeah...joking.

Although there was def some hypocrisy, I couldn't believe Jimmy thought us having certain relations with china and rodman basically saying he's besties with Great leader is the same. Rodman was literally saying how nice and great the guy was. Then he says fuck South Korea and shit. Idk, I'm not into having a military presence everywhere, but he was making little sense.

I don't think that was his point. He wasn't upset with Rodman as much as he was George Stephanopoulos and how he opened up the segment.

"A country that intentionally starves its citizens," ::Plays clip of Rodman saying Un is "awesome," "Not to mention, they've murdered hundreds of their own people..."