No Opie today!!! how pumped are you guys??

0  2013-03-04 by opiesucks

what a great way to start the week.


Not me. Without another comic to dominate the room Nopie shows are too loose. There's no progression or forward momentum.

I agree, I don't understand the hatred people have for him. You may think he doesn't contribute content to the show, but he structures it and makes sure it's a well oiled machine. I actually enjoy how Opie's evolved later in his career. I didn't necessarily enjoy him earlier on, just pandering for laughs, but do I appreciate him now as a radio vet. He seems to have realized he doesn't have to ham it up the whole show, or rather, he recognizes it's not just about him.

I don't know, I enjoy Op. He seems more open than he once was about things and expresses himself more. At least when it comes to Ant and his constant preaching of his ideals. I think that's the one thing I don't look forward to when Op isn't in, having to listen to the same 3 hours of conservative talking points.

While I don't disagree with you I still enjoy that Nopie shows avoid the phones. I've been on and talked to Louis CK about his Blueberries episode. I still don't think that it was the right decision to go to me. Callers almost always add nothing to the show.


Ant and Jim: Two high school drop outs that will claim to know more than you.


I love that, it balances out the crypto-fascist.


Norton really sucks today.

wow. great call.



I love the Opster, but I always welcome a change of pace. That said, the energy of today's show needed some good ole ship-steering.

P.S. - While I may not agree with you, I respect and admire your dedication to hating Opie.

thanks dude. appreciate it.

I hate to say it, but today's show was nice.

Ohh boy, the "Opie sucks" circle jerk

so stoked.

What is this your second account?

no, faggot.

Good one.