Oh No They Didn't: "The Opie & Anthony Show's First Annual "Gay-Off" Went Disturbingly Wrong"

8  2013-02-28 by [deleted]


straight men don't understand the idea of consent. shocker


The comments are wonderful. This is the exact wrong audience for the show.

Also, it figures O&A's "sole female fan" visits a gossip site like this. Yech.

She also blogs on This is Thin Privileged.

Source: I fucked her.

that site is hilarious, a bunch of fat women bitching about how just because they're unhealthy slobs doesn't mean they're unhealthy slobs

Obligatory plug for /r/tumblrinaction



tsss, that's a good comeback.

Best part of the article: "Primetime Sam Roberts thought it was great and should be an annual thing." I don't understand why people on here hate him.

I love how the article is written with the "characters" of the show unexplained. "Erock almost quit over it. Sal needed a shower."

Who wrote that? A retard?

well at least its not on mediaite, jezebel, gawker, or even like Michelle Malkin's site as shit we have to get off the air... yet

It will probably hit Jezebel in a few days.

I'm not sure how many other fans feel this way, but I really didn't like the Gay-Off. I thought it was really douchey. The rest of the show that day was great, but the Gay-Off wasn't my thing, and I'm glad they're not planning on making this a regular thing.

i just thought the sheer uncomfortable tension and desperation in the room was fucking hilarious, but it did ramp up pretty quickly

"Opie was Twitter-silent for several hours afterwards"

That's our Opie. If he isn't tweeting like a teen girl on molly you know something has gone horribly wrong.

Did E-Rock really almost quit?