KEVIN HART SNL - Is anyone from R/O&A going and will you yell out "Double Guns Cocksucka!" during the live taping?

2  2013-02-27 by glueleg

As mentioned the last week, the "Tippy" character is so close to a Chip rip off that Jimmy mentioned that an audience member should scream out during the live taping (during a chip related character sketch). Who's going do it?


Kevin Hart's pretty cool and a good guest, it would be better to do with a shitty host.

Yup, and in the middle of one of the bits that rips Jimmy off as well.

Oh yeah, and wear a shirt that says /R/OPIEANDANTHONYHATESYOU

You know...or not.


They'll boot you out and the microphones won't pick up the sound anyways.

You can pick out individuals when they have an obnoxious laugh. I'm pretty sure some asshole yelling when no one is laughing would get picked up. But double guns probably wouldn't be the best thing to yell.

They would boot you out for sure thats a given, but I'm pretty sure if someone yelled it loud enough it would be heard.

I don't think security would treat someone kindly who is yelling about guns.

But what if right before the security guard grabs you, you make a chip face and say "TSSSSSS Fuckin homerun!"

Even better, bring an AR-15 and shoot the place down... if we are going for retard, why not full retard?

with Kevin Hart's audience, this is suicide

you never go full retard

I'd love to see that happen, but I don't wanna see Kevin Hart get fucked with. He's alright.