Anyone else can't stand Jimmy unless he's one of his characters?

0  2013-02-27 by opiesucks

Actual real life jimmy is either a little bitch diva or a liberal boob. His characters are all great.


So you don't like opie or Jim? What the fuck are you listing for then? Maybe you should just stick to live from the compound, that is unless ant gets on your nerves as well.

you bite your tongue. the great true american Anthony Cumia would never get on my nerves. He's the reason I listen daily, the reason the lol at work, the reason why I can't stand Opie, the reason the show is as successful as it is. Heil Cumia!!!!

now thats how you executive produce.

I am totally outing /u/opiesucks as Opie. I sweat to god this is the real Opie. This is just the correct amount of self-consciousness that Mr. Hughes would partake in to find out what people think of him or people he likes.

Opiesucks, out yourself!

How is Jimmy liberal?

do you listen to the show?


opiesucks needs to get back on his game. its been 24 minutes and opies last tweet didnt get mocked?

i'm slippin'

Yes no way two people could possibly be on the internet at one time!

Anyone else can't stand the constant bitching of the show on a message board for the fucking show? If everyone on the show sucks why the fuck are you wasting your useless little life listening to it?

Anthony. simple math cock sucker. 3 members, 2 of them suck..... leaves one brilliant mind to entertain the nation. one great man.

Wouldn't "simple math" dictate that you're listening to a show that is 66% suck?

yup, but god damn that 33% is so fucking good.

Ha. Yes.

FWIW, as to the greater question - I like Jimmy. But I prefer O AND A. No (everyday) third mic, fewer guests. The last couple of those have been great. Totally different vibe. Or one that they haven't had in fucking forever.

agreed. I like jimmy for the most part, but sometimes he talks too much. I love the quick dumb jokes, the characters, his silliness, but him being serious and talking for the majority of the show is a tad draining from time to time.

Yep he should only play characters or discuss porn, I really don't want to listen to a high school dropout talk about the real world.

Wee bit of irony here.

Jimmy has his moments where he's hard to like, though I think a huge part of that is him being on the air constantly (meaning you see everything). He's also a brilliantly quick guy, who is much more even-handed and, IMO, reasonable on political/social issues than Anthony.

The good to me far outweighs the bad.

He is quick as fuck. Very impressive on that front. Love that quality about him.

Because no high school dropout as ever been an informed, intelligent person, amirite?

The fucking situation the country is in is because of the high school drop-outs, not because of educated politicians. Amirite again?

I can understand that he is a love or hate type of person. For me he was an acquired taste. At first I didn't get it, now I really like his work.

jimmy in his first couple of years was horrible, he would just start screaming about traffic lights and it seemed so forced, and he was totally angry jimmy guy, but since he got silly and stopped forcing anger and started doing characters he can be the funniest on the show sometimes, same goes for ant when hes not being angry racist ranting guy hes fucking hilarious

This just in guys OpieSucks is still doing nothing with his life...

meanwhile Opie Hughes and Jim Norton are doing exactly what they want.. Point being... you're an irreverently meaningless human being and you're just like the 10 million other trolls online right now...

hahahaha Norton isn't doing a tv show with comedians apparently.

I know opiesucks personally ( and clearly agree with that handsome ass man)... Im personally blown away he goes on here with you goons based on how successful the guy is in real car, great job, smoke show girlfriend, body to die for. You are not a troll if you are speaking truth. The only thing more true then shit opiesucks says is anything our lord and savior Anthony Cumia dictates. Heil Cumia.

Jimmy is probably one of the funniest off-the-cuff people on the entire planet. He's my favorite person on the show by a fucking mile.


you bite your tongue. the great true american Anthony Cumia would never get on my nerves. He's the reason I listen daily, the reason the lol at work, the reason why I can't stand Opie, the reason the show is as successful as it is. Heil Cumia!!!!