Off-topic, but involves more fraudulent outrage: Should The Onion apologize for calling Quvenzhané Wallis a cunt?

9  2013-02-25 by [deleted]


No, fuck that, it's comedy.

What's funny about it? Just seems like being a jerk for no real reason. Would you call her a nine-year-old that to her face in person on the biggest night of her life just because it's similarly "edgy?"

EDIT: Eh, maybe I'm overreacting. I think the fact that it's clumsy makes it hit a little harder, but it isn't that different in its content from other jokes they've made. The "everybody seems afraid to say it" is such a patently ridiculous statement to open up the joke that it's pretty clear what they were going for.

It's a satire of how vicious gossip sites and tv shows are about adult celebs. It's absurd to say that about a cute little girl.

That's how I think I'd read it if the comment weren't directed toward a particular person and were fleshed out a bit, but the way it was handled just feels too personal and harsh. A lot of fans of the site feel that they crossed a line here. Not saying there's not room for disagreement; I'm sure if I found it funny and understood the context of the humor as something broader we wouldn't be having this conversation.

It wasn't particularly funny or effective, but the outrage is over the SUBJECT, not the execution.

The cuntbag that replied to this comment is without a question one of the worst parts of the Carlin fanbase.

Where did Carlin come into it?

Honestly, I've found that if a joke is executed well, you can get away with all sorts of stuff. It's a tough tightrope to walk, but it's almost always about the execution even if people don't recognize it. The execution often refers to contextualizing the joke as satire or not coming from a place of hate, which a tweet doesn't really provide.

That's not really the point, comedy can be and is vicious. If we start apologizing for the worst of it it's a slippery slope to apologizing for all if it.

Seth MacFarlane is the most offensive fucking thing ever. As a bilingual transgender with aids whose quite sick at tumblr, I can't help but wonder how the Oscars greenlighted this trash... "No homo"? Really, Seth? Really? Way to appeal to all members of the gender spectrum with complete bigotry like that.

A genderqueer tumblr blogger is at the supermarket, having used up her daily allotment of social interaction on making the dangerous trek through crowds of people. The cashier has just begun scanning their items, and says “Did you find everything alright, miss?”

The genderqueer is triggered, their Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome (self-diagnosed of course, but the medical system is run by white cis people so don’t say self-diagnoses isn’t valid) bringing up other horrible times in their lives when complete strangers didn’t read their mind and find out what pronoun they preferred today. They note their own forehead veins did not throb Anime-style, making a mental note to make a post about how ableist Anime artists are to people who don’t have veins close to the surface.

“YOU TRIGGERED ME! DIE CIS SCUM!” They say, and stab the cashier with a knife. Blood is everywhere, and he succumbs to the stabbing wound in his chest.

The other shoppers and cashiers look on in horror, as the genderqueer turns to them, empowered. Something dark and terrible begins to flicker in the genderqueer’s eyes.

“Cis people, if you aren’t scum, you have nothing to fear.” And the blogger smiles as the screams begin.

“But what are cis people?” One of the scum says as she is murdered.

The genderqueer says “It’s not my job to educate you.”

please do not follow that funny post with some crap you copy and pasted. I'm outraged right now

Funny pasta is still funny, Dad.

Your Tweet was hilarious.

They fucking apologized. I don't believe it.,31434/

These pussies actually apologized? Holy fuck, I stopped going to the Onion years ago but now, never again. It's not a great joke but it still is satire.

Noone should apologize for anything, ever; especially The Onion.

Sickened by the fact they apologised, what a bunch of spineless cowards.

*Would love to hear the boys on this one, this is exactly the kind of desperate to be offended shit that sends them flying off the handle. Reading twitter, as usual, has pissed me off to no end. So many white knights, butthurt liberals, "Feminists", people actually crying RACISM(?) and fucking Olbermann

nawww... i was thinking the same thing during the crowd cuts. somebody needs to tell that little cunt to behave. the academy awards is a very serious and sombre event.


So edgy.