This HAS to be Anthony's career highlight

3  2013-02-24 by 99ovr


I don't even understand why she's laughing or why Ant's jokes were funny and the music is too loud, but it's pretty cool nonetheless.

Maybe she just finds the Russian voice funny.

I like the nationalism pissing match in the comments, though. Fucking dolts.

Edit: She's definately high.

Yeah, fuck nationalism, maaahn!

Yeah maaaaannn, we don't need no borders maaaan we're all like people maaaannnnn. (feels ya)

You guys don't remember Steve? It was talked about on the show plenty of times how he always threw* a deafening bed and a ginormous logo on all the videos.

Edit: Changed 'throws' to 'threw' and got really sad all the sudden.

I managed to hear the last joke about how you never see a friendly KGB guy in movies and then he did the voice. That was pretty funny, but yea this video is shit. Turn off the music for fuck's sake.

perhaps she finds most premium opium

Never heard this interview. Did they touch base on magnetic trays or did that come after?