Is it just me or have Greg and Tony been getting along great lately?

16  2013-02-23 by [deleted]

It's been great for the show, really good rapport. They're laughing at each other's jokes more, sharing bits, and been funnier together. Even yesterday's show without Jim was great, nice and loose.

Edit: WOW sure is a lot of armchair psychology in this thread.


I realize a lot of people probably won't agree with this - but there's a chemistry that Op and Ant have together that's changed when Jimmy is in the studio. When it's just those two it drifts towards the clever silly magic that made them as big as they are. When Jim's there that chemistry is very different - don't know how I'd describe it exactly aside from disjointed. I'd say less clever, but more "jokey" for lack of a better word. Some of the really clever banter that Op and Ant pull off when it's just those two doesn't work when there's a third voice in the mix. Personally, I like the Opie & Anthony show better than the Opie and Anthony and Jim show - but I realize that's not the general consensus.

I have to agree, there was something good about Friday's show that I thought was due to the fact that Jim was out and they didn't have any guest. Jimmy has his place on the show and can be great but I think a lot of the bitching that everybody does is started by him. O&A almost seem to be competing for him like divorced parents. The same thing happens with other comedian guests.

I don't agree with you guys per se but the perspective is interesting. Upboats for all.

Although I don't really agree with your point fully, for me I think it boils down to there just being two main mics in the studio.

GRIM in the morning, O+A and Jim / Anthony shows are the ones that really stand out nowadays. I just like the flow better.

Then again I wouldn't say I dislike the full shows, but when they start off by saying "It's Grim in the morning" it's usually a pleasant surprise.


I love Jimmy - let's get that out of the way, first, but...

I totally agree.

I don't remember when it was, sometime in the last month or so where Jimmy was out, and they had NO guests, save for a quick phoner from Jefferies. It was great to hear them goofing off, together, totally off the cuff. One of my favorite (recent) shows in a long time.

I'll have to check out Friday's show, too.

Even my marriage had some good days..


Although, if the bus tour a) happens and b) goes well-- we might have another Pax Romana that has not been seen since the post Virus Tour years. It reminds them that the real fans are still out there and that they are still huge in other parts of the US. Tours are a win-win when they happen. Even the Philly disaster got spun into a great moment. See: Bill Burr.

Thats what I've been thinking. Ever since their fight in december its been a better energy.


It was off the air and resulted in Opie being gone for about three days, but they never discussed why. Most think it was due to Anthony bitching on Twitter about not getting preferential treatment at FH Reilly's.

How did word get out about the fight if it wasn't brought up on the show? Just wondering where the info came from because I totally missed that.

It was brought up the week after.


There was probably unspoken tension building up for a while, then they had the big blow up in December, and talked shit out.

Things like that help relationships, sometimes.


As a therapist, I sense that the renewed rapport between the two men is because they've decided to call it a day when their current contract expires.

I think it was more the fact that Opie cooled off a bit and came to the cold realization that Ant is perfectly capable of holding his own on the show without him. At the end of the day they get paid a LOT of money to come in and fuck off for 4 hours a day. Opie seems like he's very smart with his money and can probably walk whenever he wants and be comfortable for the rest of his life, but he has 2 kids now. If/when he walked away from this gig, with the state of radio the way it is and without Ant, he's probably never going to see another paycheck like he's accustomed to.

I think Opie will be able to easily score a producer gig, either in radio or tv.


Excellent idea.

I'm not sure I'd say he could get into doing that easily, but I do think that's something he would be very good at doing if he got the shot. Getting a gig like that is all about connections and we know how he likes to burn bridges.

Are you lydia?


do you really think anthony is ACTUALLY laughing when opie does his twitter voice? come on...

opie likes anthony no doubt, but anthony would never be friends (and isn't) with opie in real life.

I dont know where this idea that ant has a high concept no lowbrow comedy sensibility, that makes it impossible for him to laugh at opie dumb as shit twitter voice.

One of the things that i find most interesting in ant is the things that he find funny and let me remind you that he thinks that beavis and butthead are hilarious, fart and shit jokes and all the retard humor he can get.

Opie while not funny all the time is funny for ant because i think he enjoys the sociopathic coments of the opster, like his complete lack of respect for other people and the way he creates awkward situations in the studio. Also opie shares wholeheartedly the joy of lowbrow humor that is always present in the show.

I think this is more a reflection of you the listener that think that this kind of dumb shit is below the show and of course you try to reflect your opinion on anthony because for some reason you relate more with him.

ofcourse anthony isn't immune to lowbrow humor? wtf are you talking about.

Anthony ABSOLUTELY does not find opie funny, people have been saying this for years, opie is VERY niche, very few people think opie is funny, a genuine laugh from ant at opie is RARE.

if opie makes a joke though you sure are guaranteed to hear a titter from ant, he HAS to.

i hear what you're saying but you're JUST wrong.

anthony doesn't like opie to begin with, let alone his humor.

I dont think that the rumors that run around are FACTS, i just speak my opinion based on what i listen in the show.

I find opie very funny, And after listening for a long time i see that they are tired of each other but of course that will happen after 18 plus years.

But this notion that they hate each other guts is hard for me to believe because they do have good chemistry during the show and they dont seem to react poorly to the other when they are speaking.

I fully believe they are no longer friends and are now more akin to a married couple. Staying together for the money and jimmy. But i dont see the hate.

This OPIE VS ANTHONY WAR is always something i have related more to the fan base trying to come up with some drama to entertain themselves on shit message boards, some hidden secret only available to the chosen.

when did i say hate.

"This OPIE VS ANTHONY WAR is always something i have related more to the fan base trying to come up with some drama to entertain themselves on shit message boards, some hidden secret only available to the chosen."

"This OPIE VS ANTHONY WAR is always something i have related more to the fan base trying to come up with some drama to entertain themselves on shit message boards, some hidden secret only available to the chosen."

what, its not possible for people to hate any one of these guys? their personalities are so infallible that nobody could have a problem with one of them? because if not there is going to be a clash of personalities on who they think sucks or is good. generally, the most hate from the community has been towards opie.

They spend 25 hours a week together.1. they have to be friendly just to do that. 2. why the fuck would you hang out or be friends, traditional sense, with someone you spend that much time talking to.

  1. Agreed
  2. Jim norton

There's a reason why there's a lot of audio of opie trying to hang out with anthony, and hours of Jim talking about being with anthony outside the show.

actually , you turned me , you are right. jim as the child sold me. I still like opie. without opster the show is a circlejerk

Well, its a marriage. Your spouse is supposed to make you look good.

OFCOURSE, i fully understand why anthony fake laughs at opie.

I'm praying for a divorce in 2014

Its possible.i dont know their thoughts of course on the matter of their contract, but i have a feeling that, off air, they would REALLY rather not work for Sirius too much longer.

i meant a divorce between opie and anthony.

them divorcing from SXM would rule, but how are they going to make any money on the internet? (i guess carollas doing it to an extent, but i've no clue what hes making, def not as much as he used to. hes a former radio guy and he has the #1 podcast out there yet his advertising is on par with the comedians that are merely doing these podcasts on the side.

or when opie refers to himself as the 'opster.' no way Jim and Ant, who give each other so much shit for the littleless bombs or comments, actually laugh at that hackery.

Ugh, people on here say "the opester".

It's just sad, I don't remember this much opie love in the past. I think it's partly because we're on Reddit.

I have to agree, there was something good about Friday's show that I thought was due to the fact that Jim was out and they didn't have any guest. Jimmy has his place on the show and can be great but I think a lot of the bitching that everybody does is started by him. O&A almost seem to be competing for him like divorced parents. The same thing happens with other comedian guests.

Although I don't really agree with your point fully, for me I think it boils down to there just being two main mics in the studio.

GRIM in the morning, O+A and Jim / Anthony shows are the ones that really stand out nowadays. I just like the flow better.

Then again I wouldn't say I dislike the full shows, but when they start off by saying "It's Grim in the morning" it's usually a pleasant surprise.


I love Jimmy - let's get that out of the way, first, but...

I totally agree.

I don't remember when it was, sometime in the last month or so where Jimmy was out, and they had NO guests, save for a quick phoner from Jefferies. It was great to hear them goofing off, together, totally off the cuff. One of my favorite (recent) shows in a long time.

I'll have to check out Friday's show, too.