Tom Skerritt.

15  2013-02-20 by noooonan

I just laughed my ass off to the amount of times Ant had to say Tom Skerrit this morning. About 13 minutes in.



Tom Skerritt.

He played Dallas in Alien!



Tsss she probably had big tits or sumtin.

Ha! Classic SNL.

Lol I loved it too even tho I have zero idea who he is

Same here.

haha I only know who it is because I looked him up. I don't give a fuck who he is, that shit was just hilarious. I still don't know if they were fucking with him or really not paying attention.

I loved when ant texted that in to the shit show

I didn't know anything about this, I didn't listen to the SS this week. I'll have to go back and listen.