Currently Replaying NRA Restaurant Bit

2  2013-02-19 by BigGreenYamo

For those who have not heard it, I HIGHLY recommend it. Probably my favorite bit of all time.


Aaron Burritos & John Lennon Lemon Chicken were great.

My favorite has always been the Sirhan Sirhanwich,

Listening to it when Ant said he was a supporter of the 2nd Amendment but thought Chuck Heston was a lunatic, I wonder if the Anthony of today has changed his stance on that sentiment.

Great bit, and a great reminder than 95% of listener-input is total shit. Almost Chip-level.

And the same 95% have to start their calls with, "Hey what's up?", "Hey boys.", "What's going on?".

Just say your joke and hang up. They aren't taking your call because they want to small talk with you. Those callers just slow down the pace of the bit.

Why do most truckers start with "Hey, listen"?

Because no one else does.