What does Dice actually add to the show? Does he have ANY fans?

8  2013-02-14 by [deleted]

Seriously, the guy's career is just kind of depressing. I'm aware he's friends with Jimmy, but does anyone actually like him?

You can feel the mood of the show change when he comes in... fake laughs galore.



I think they clearly respect what he did to help the show and decided not to ignore him like a number of comedians did to them. Shows they have respect for the guys who helped them.

This is it exactly.

He was a BIG BIG BIG get back in the day. He brought a lot to the show when they needed it most... when they were establishing their career in NYC. What he brings to the show isn't as important to them as the loyalty factor.

That being said, I often turn the show off when he comes on... because really.... he just sucks.

He runs hot and cold on the radio. I saw him live when they filmed Down and Dirty for HBO and he was great live (it was 5 years ago but still it was great).

The fact that you have to go back FIVE YEARS to the last time he was good actually kind of proves that he's not good on the show.... doesn't it?

Not at all. If you read my post I said that he runs hot and cold on the radio. I last saw him live 5 years ago and he was good then. I haven't seen his act since then due to many reasons (mostly that his shows haven't been convenient when he's in town).

He brought Norton to the show originally, and backed the boys when they went against Howard (most of the time).

Dice was great the last 2 times on rogans podcast.

Dice was never funny to me, had friends that loved him in the 80s and 90s --- he did some stuff a few years ago that wasn't the Dice character, it was kinda funny --- no idea why he was so popular but that former fame will keep him around forever

he's had funny appearances before. Ants impression is almost better than anything he actually says tho lol.


lol i did think him talkin about sal saying fuck off was funny. then ants like "ill fire your ass" and dice is like "ya then u better fuckin do it sal" lol

Ant would still be "knocking tin" if it wasn't for his Dice impression.

Dice may not be laugh out loud funny when he's in studio, but he's a genius. He released probably one of the best comedy albums of all time. It was an unplanned appearance at a club and most of it was improvised. He bombed horribly and released a double cd of it. You can hear people walking out halfway through the set.

It was released at the height of his popularity, Louis CK or Chris Rock would never attempt anything like that nor could they pull it off like Dice did. Listen to that album once and you'll get how important Dice is to comedy.

I understand that a lot of comics have an attachment to him and he (or impressions of him) pop up frequently on shows like O&A or Stern ... but it really doesn't do anything for me. 25 years ago it may have been great, but he's far past relevant at this point.

At least the impressions that Anthony does of him are usually short. Back when I would listen to Stern and Gilbert would do Dice Gottfried impressions for 30 minutes, it got annoying and lame REAL quick.

I get a kick when Ant does Dice impressions. Don't like when Ant mimics Dice when in studio...

Travesty! Dice Gottfried is the most incredible impression (until Jay Mohr Quinn).

He's the type of lad thats fun in short segments.

They do respect him and truly do like him and think he is still a great comic, I'd assume... That being said, I was never a huge fan, and I think when he comes in studio the energy just changes because they know he will just talk over everyone until he gets to say what he wants. He monopolizes the conversation and its hard to say what you want, especially if you are trying to change the subject.

well, I see him as a trainwreck. not gonna hate on the guy, he's just trying to keep working, which I can respect. Its always a good laugh when the boys have to deal with difficult guests. but yea, Dice is washed up.

I think in studio the point is to have such a forceful, loud, larger-than-life personality to bounce off of and to contend with. I've never seen his stand-up and don't find him funny, but he is a broad character for the b-b-b-boys.

Like Pat Cooper without jokes or humour.

Ant has mentioned this on LFTC before that Dice's stuff for some reason no longer works on satellite radio, he's like frenchy in that sense. The dice stuff that was really funny was back in the day when Ant used to do bits about dice working as a janitor at WAAF & WNEW. Then Dice really came in one day and they had a lot of fun with him b/c he was still edgy. Long story short, dice is still funny today but his act doesn't translate very well to radio and Dice is one of those guys who's default persona is his act. Jay mohr's podcast addressed this where Jay watched Dice trying to do a regular comedy bit and the whole audience gave him NOTHING until he yelled out "YOU BIG TITTED ANIMAL!" to a female audience member

The Day the Laughter Died was great. I like Dice but admit that he really has faded from relevance.

his bit about going into staples and buying a paper shredder is one of the funniest things I've heard in years.