I always knew Opie was a cool guy, I got 10 followers out of him today. #truefan #oandapest

26  2013-02-12 by gallonofpcp1


That's Gregg Hughes, Opie's a dick.

I thought it was The Opster.

Thank you for pointing out my stupidity... (Im not being sarcastic)

Not Gregg Hughes, 'Good Mood Opie'... Did ya hear the after show?

I had to run after the show so i couldnt hear the shit show (if they even had one) what happened?

This has probably been answered down below somewhere already, but as the after show started Opie whipped out the check book and wrote checks out to everyone on the show, for no reason at all. He said, 'that's a real check, a couple thousand dollars' or something like that. So needless to say, everyone was happy. He said he was in a good mood and attributed it to Michael McDonald music.

"opie u r my raido idol"

I'd love for people like that - TO - intern. If OP-PE and ANT-TOE-NY r j00 radio heros, you'll make an entertaining intern, and thus I'd be happy.



Dude, I've been a pest since right before Sex for Sam 3, I've been listening almost everyday since. If I could intern, it would be a dream. But I don't go to college so I can't. The Opie and Anthony Show is to me as Kiss and Ozzy are to Jim Norton. I want Opie and Anthony to come to my house, beat the shit out of me, throw me down the stairs, and then give me a hug and be friendly to me. (Linger longer...)

Not that long

Im 27 I was about 15 when I first listened to them, so its a good chuck of my life and their career as The Opie and Anthony Show.


I wasn't questioning your credentials, I just heard this referenced within the past 6 months or so.

They reference things often, Sex for Sam 3 happened around 2000. Could be wrong on the year. It was back when they were still doing afternoon/ early evening.


He went all Vos on him.

in the words of Jimmy.. "eewWWWwwwww......."

ME: yo

Did you just use Twitter tags in your post title...?

They're called Hashtags and yes I did. Upvote for you because I can!

Your name just makes me miss WKUK...

They still do live shows, but Zack is on a TV show, so its just Darren, Timmy, Sam, and Trevor. They definitely still had more life left in that show though.

Very cool. It's interesting how big of a deal it can be when someone you idolize takes just a few seconds to acknowledge you.

That's fucking cool. Wish more 'celebs', or whatever you want to call them, did something like this.

Good for you, dude, but nice egg, moron. Get a profile pic, people hate eggs.

Im not the egg... Im gallonofpcp1 I have a profile pic of myself.

Opie is terrible both on and off the air.