the management bitching is getting ridiculous

0  2013-02-07 by opiesucks

Jimmy is a fucking diva. Opie apparently knows how to run everything and Ant rules like always.

Anyone else tired of the never ending bitching?


Nice try, Radio Wizard.

nope, I will still pay and listen to said bitching.

So why don't you listen to another show? All you do is complain.

He's probably from Wackbag.


Strong point sir.

Is it last year already?

or the year before that?

oorrr the year before that?

Deja vu.

I find bitching about management, staff shenanigans, and personal lives stories are my favorites parts of the shows. The only exception being is if they there is hilarious real life event they can talk about (T'eo, Mel tapes, etc.).

I just want to know what they do. I just imagine them playing solitare all day.


Jimmy is a sweet boy. You're the cunty one.