did Jimmy slip about steves death today?

6  2013-02-01 by jackbowen

ok i know this isn't really funny or amusing, but as far as I know we never got an answer on how Steve died. not like it's our business anyway. But when Jim was doing the "drunk Jim" bit today he said something along the lines of "seventh drink I'd be suicide Steve," then he immediately said something like.. I don't know why I said that I was thinking Sam because he's right here. I dunno... just bringing it up because it was an odd moment. comment?



was pretty much confirmed a long time ago.

ok sorry for the redundancy... my step bro committed suicide and ive been on those walks for out of darkness. very sad deal. my family raised close to 20k for the charity http://www.mysuburbanlife.com/2009/09/22/family-hosts-suicide-awareness-fundraiser/zwa7l81/ I understand the need to make it private but it's also good to raise awareness

This is news to me, and for some reason I'm really bothered that he offed himself..... wtf

It sucks. There are plenty of reasons to be bothered by it.

I thought that it was already confirmed that he committed suicide. (Maybe I just read it somewhere else.)

HEY! They just replayed it and they CUT IT OUT OF THE REPLAY!

good catch

I think its been very vaguely danced around that steve killed himself. Theres been things said that make me think he did. I can't recall anything specific because they were so vague, but at the time they seemed like unintentional clues.

Listening again now, sounds like he definitely slipped. It's obviously something they don't want to talk about on-air... he was a friend of theirs, not a part of the show anymore. I'm fine with them being hush about it.

I remember them saying it was complications from a stomach surgery he got.

complications is vague...stomach surgery maybe didnt work or brought on other problems that he couldnt handle i.e. depression. all-in-all, it doesnt really matter how it went down. they lost another friend and thats that.

It is too bad that they didn't come out and be honest about it especially after slamming the nurse who aced herself after putting those Aussie DJ's through to Kate Middleton for leaving behind her children. I didn't agree with their stance, depression isn't a choice anyone would make.

Anyone know what time the slip up was?

right before before the last break when nikki and what's her face came in

Awful guests, they were holes.

any woman that would date derosa is not to be respected

What, was Steves death slippery or somefin? pfffhuhehf

any woman that would date derosa is not to be respected