Whoo Kid got arrested today.. no mention of why yet

39  2013-02-01 by noooonan


D.J. Whoo Kid, why did you get arrested?

"Cause I'm a nigga!"

I can so hear him saying this in my head

You gay! That's why you gay!

Obligatory, "YO NIGGA WHATUP"

That face is fucking priceless.

It's the, "Shit, I fucked up and got caught!" face.

"This shit ain't spicy."

Lacking moisture.

It's definitely that, but with a hint of a "thank Christ I have that 50 Cent money that will make this go away" smirk. I'll get started on making the "Free Whoo Kid" shirts.


Sam is fucking jerking off to this... He lives for this kind of shit, he literally is writing his material for the after show right fucking now.

It's either that or pester the interns

Tell him to behave

Arrested for not scrubbing his dick EVERY DAY



Maybe he finally shot his Asian wife.

How funny would it be if he did and the show got in trouble over it.

I was thinking this too!

That officer looks like a normal version of Verne Troyer

Or a retarded version of Vin Diesel.

Probably missed child support payments.

He black.

Arrested for public niggary.

I wish that was a crime punishable by death.

I never see either of you guys over at r/niggers Please stop by :)

I'm a lurker.

Grow up.

You gay, you gay


Yo, nigga! What up!?

Edit: shit. Someone beat me to it

I'll throw you an upvote for using perfect punctuation.

That's kind of my thing.


Am I the only one who has never heard him on the show before and don't get any of these references?


he's on the after show quite often. Maybe you don't listen to that. But he's on OnA too, like that Dahmer interview.