Colin Quinn may have finally gotten an endorsement deal.

14  2013-01-31 by [deleted]



Colin's twitter account is one of the best things about the internet.

CQ's got a pair of brass you-know-what's

Oh, I don't give a care for that sort of language.

Hey get off my back jack

LOL "celeb friends"


2013-01-30 21:34

Guys I'm not being a sell out but I honestly just had a delicious meal and some good laughs with celeb friends at @Applebees (promoted)


2013-01-30 21:47

@iamcolinquinn We enjoy seeing you here too! Thanks for stopping by! ~ARL

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I tell friends to get a twitter account just to follow Colin Quinn

I used to hate it when we would retweet people's responses, but some of them are pretty golden. My favorite was when he was pitching a CNN talk show full of sob stories and someone wrote in that the reaction shot whenever a guest started tearing up and crying would be a closeup of Col's profile pic. Somehow that tore me up.

Does anyone know where to get omgwtfitssteve's CQ on O&A playlist? Was in the process of listening to that when it got taken down...also Bill Burr?

Oh, I don't give a care for that sort of language.