XM iPhone App

1  2013-01-28 by b3388

XM has deleted the OA Channel on my iPhone app. Still works on Android. Anybody else seeing this?


still on mine, listened to it today

Listened to mine this morning. Even used the Start Now feature which actually worked normally for once.

Uninstall and reinstall the app. That may fix it.

It's messed up. That channel quit working. I deleted and re-installed and it's not even available for viewing. Thanks for the input.

It's a Quan-spiracy.

SPIRACY spiracy spiracy

I just have questions...

Thermite PAINT!

Nope.. pretty sure you're drinking the same retard juice bobo has been enjoying for years.

I couldn't listen this morning on my app.

Nope. Still there.

When you use the app can you download it to your phone? Does it remember your place?