Dear pests, perhaps we should harass Sirius.

15  2013-01-26 by Novelty23

Hello all! In light of the recent cuntyness from the corporate lawyers at Sirius, should we band together and contact them through all possible avenues to let them know what a horrible decision this was? I don't know 'bout y'all, but the only reason I found O and A was because of youtube. Makes me sad the others won't be able to stumble upon those great moments with Patrice, Bill Burr, Rogan, etc. This hurts their business, not help, they should be made aware of that. Maybe then the content can be restored. What say you folks?



Everyone listen to this man, I know you want to break out your $5 Guy Fawkes masks and fedoras but let's slow it down.


alright let's think about this...

There's gotta be a civilized, ordered, rational way to basically hang these people in public. Remember they're lawyers, it's like trying to fuck with the WBC. You can't just "anonymously" send a death threat and then delete the account and think you gotta away with it cause you were at a Starbucks.

I once made a fake email account as the highschool principle telling the tech guy to take down the firewall cause it was blocking all the good sites. The mail was so ridiculous it had to be fake but the principle claimed "identity theft" and got suspended from school.

I wish there was a way to hire Anonymous as consultants.

I don't know, there are still thousands of O&A clips on youtube as of right now and I have a feeling they aren't going to keep taking them down. In my opinion we should just leave it alone for a few weeks and it'll go back to normal. Yeah it is a shame that people omgwtfitssteve and all his well-organized videos are gone (for now... hopefully) but I don't think it would be a good idea to contact Sirius about this.

Even if it does help the show and the company in the end what they're doing is their right as a business, I highly doubt that having a bunch of non-costumers complain about not getting the show for free anymore would make any difference other than letting them know they have a serious exclusivity problem to take care of and justify some jobs to the new Liberty folks.

I was surprised something like this didn't happen a year ago and that the bosses were ostensibly ok with it. But yeah we should just let it go, you can still download the show and a shitload of clips are still up on youtube and elsewhere. Like Opie said "they can't stop you."

Wauw. Pests urging to stay calm? This is a new day and age. :)

Yeah for once it's better to stay calm and let it fade away as stated before. It more seem like it was a misunderstanding between the lawyers and the "less than Mensa-class" bosses at SXM.

The greatest loss isn't the youtube videos they pulled but the great library of old bits and shows that was available. I for one believe that this material will be available again one day when things just calm down and return to normal. At least I hope so. :)

We should also remember that what we are doing really is illegal and we don't really have any defense against anything. So staying under the radar is definitely the way to go! Every point we make can be killed with a simple statement that the material is owned by SXM.

It's all out there somewhere.

I aint no fucking pest. Those fags are all still clinging to Wackbag.

Say, lets call No Filter Paul. He will know what to do ....

He's dead.


Oh I was just kidding. Who knows what happened to that psycho.

Ya kiddin!

Dig him up.

He's dead.