Boston O&A Fans. I made a facebook age to get enough likes, and convince Jimmy to film his next special in Boston

5  2013-01-23 by andrewsj1


My understanding is that he already wants to tape it in Boston. It's possible (though unlikely IMO) that his connection to O&A would impede the process, but it sounds like everything is being put together.

No. Menino can't fuck with a comedy show. can't really fuck with a live broadcast either. But ya he said he's been pushing for boston but he always talks abou ppl wanting him places then no one shows so i figured fuck it, final nail in the coffin, just get mad likes.

For someone without any knowledge of Boston, where would you think he'd have the gig?

must be the wilbur if he's doing it in boston. Although i hate that place, it's cramped. Most comedians coming through boston do the Wilbur