Let's start a campaign for Louis CK to go on the MMPC with Bill Burr!

10  2013-01-22 by [deleted]


Good luck with that... Louis still hasn't done the Joe Rogan Podcast Experience...

He's a big stahhhhr

The thing is Lou said he'd do the podcast since he's always asked about it. I think demanding this would make it happen. Lou really admires Bill.

Louie barely has time to call O&A once a year. I doubt he's hitting the podcast circuit any time soon.

He called in to Jim's show. It was pretty amusing.

I thought he decided to take a big break from working. I would love to hear him on Burr, Rogan, or Mohr's podcast.

he has at least this season of Louie to crank out, unless it is already done

That's why I think he'd go with it.

Was he taking a break to do that woody allen movie though?

That red headed cunt probably has 3 lines in it.

I would prefer to see him on MMP because Burr doesn't interview people.

totally unrelated but does anyone know the song at the very start?

He shouldnt have to be begged, they're friends.

But if neither of them is aware there is any demand for it, they won't do it. Louis wasn't thinking about doing the Rogan podcast until everyone kept asking him, then because of that he said he'll do it soon.

And maybe there isn't any demand for it, but I made this thread to test that and there's 18 upvotes.