how much Douche Chills Opies show will provide?

0  2013-01-22 by opiesucks

on a scale from chilly to frostbite, where do you think his episode he did will land? i imagine when you turn on TBS, its going to be something like this.


Nice grammar.

im commenting on a fucking O&A reddit site. leave me alone.

Nice language



Sir, just outta curiosity, do you really hate Opie? Or are you just running a troll novelty account? I think we all have our least favorite person on the show(mine happens to be Jimmy for him being an intellectual and political neophyte, still funny as all hell though), but your constant railing against Mr Hughes on this sub-reddit makes me wonder if you're just playing a character. Just curious is all, if you legitimately don't like the guy that's cool, but I do find it strange that someone would go outta their way to shit on one person on a barely read sub-reddit every day.

I think it is the novelty at this point. He knows the Opster can be an entertaining guy, he just like the small e-fame he has on here.

well, it all began with me finding certain things opie does really annoying and i always wanted to bitch about it and no one i knew listened, until i found this reddit. when i let out my frustration, i soon learned how many people defended him and seemed to enjoy is lameness, which only added fuel to the fire. thank you for asking, no one has asked me politely. (i can't stand serious 'smart' jimmy. i find him worst than Opie when he is that way, but fuck he is quick and hilarious when he wants to be silly)

to just boils down to be not liking opie, seeing if anyone else notices his annoying shit, then it evolved into poking people on purpose. cool?


does that count as a 'real moment?'

Signing the post seems excessive. It's not a letter, stupid.

sorry danfrank


Interesting, thanks for the reply. I feel ya on the need to rant at times, I never had the need with this show, but have with other subjects and content.