Opster is going to be on the joe rogan experience Tuesday.

32  2013-01-14 by Folmz

I wonder if he will smoke some weed MAAAAN.


We have an O&A thread on Joe's forum, I'd say a good 95% of the posts about The Opster being on the podcast are very negative heh. This will be interesting.

From Neil Degrasse Tyson to Opie...

That was an awesome fucking episode of the experience.

Gonna have to disagree on the Neil interview.

Rogan talked A LOT - and interrupted Neil numerous times. You could hear Neil start to get some steam on a topic, and Rogan would barrel through with an interruption or off-topic points.

Joe also awkwardly forced the moon landing conspiracy theories for WAY too long. You could tell Neil was annoyed at a point, responding with short answers he had already said previously.

It's like getting Michael Jordan in studio, and asking him if a basketball is too big or too small for 40 minutes.

@OpieRadio: "RT @justincmetz: @OpieRadio @joerogan Hey Op, going to smoke up for the podcast? ME: :) when in Rome

This should be a way interesting podcast. Joe Rogan's podcast has such a chill vibe to it. It'll be cool to hear Opie being interviewed there.

Watch Opie finally partake and have a panic attack on air. Not smoking for years and then suddenly partaking on some medical shit can mean bad news....especially if you have to hold conversation.

I feel like that's what happened to Amy schumer when she was on.

Yeah, I think so, and I'm kind of worried about what this means for Op's coherency. Oh well, fingers crossed, right guys? #IDGACButIStillAmALittleScared

@OpieRadio: RT @joerogan: Working on putting together a podcast with our pal @OpieRadio for this Tuesday! ME: Changing flight or hitchhiking back to NYC

does he not know how twitter works? why all the "ME:" bullshit? we know how to read twitter you old douche fuck.

that shit pisses me off to no end

That's the joke. He does it to piss people like you off. He knows it does and keeps it up so you have something to bitch about. He's said it before. Kinda like his "thus-then" schtick.

opie don't know shit about a joke.

With the amount of laughs I've gotten from both these shows when I'm blazed out of my mind, I was so stoked when I read his "when in rome" tweet! Can't wait! Even a lot of the Opie haters have admitted he's much more entertaining when he's a guest, not running da show. (YKWD, Mohr Stories, Sam's shows)

Also, even though I enjoy Opie, this likely means at least today (Monday) and tomorrow will be Ant running the show. If he's not on a half hour commercial break to make up for the last 3 hours (or discussing race/guns, even tho I agree with him on those points) it should be one entertaining clusterfuck.

I hope what it'll be is a lot of talk about O&A history, and just the radio business in general. What some people don't realize is that Opie really, really knows radio. He's been doing it his whole adult life and if you look at the show objectively he's definitely the most radio savvy of the three, even if Ant and Jim provide most of the personality.


Will be interesting when Opie gets back to ny and realizes how big th podcast world really is.

Yeah, I think the only person who ever really hooked me with kid talk on the radio is Louis CK because he has a very philosophical way of looking back at kid stuff that he's been through. He can pull it off, but most guys can't. But, as Opie and Joe are both dads, I imagine there'll be a short 10-15 minute block of kid stuff.

He is truly Master Of The Board. He knows that business inside and out.

I guess I'm the only person who doesn't like Rogans podcast.

I don't really enjoy it either, unless there's a guest I really want to hear (which is rare). Joe is deep but preaches about stuff that I cared about when I was in high school and I was doing shrooms and tripping out, maaaan.

Exactly! I enjoyed the two times he had Stanhope on, and even listened a few other times, but he's a real pot-talk-Monday kinda guy. It's always those, like you said, high-school-level discussions. It's kinda why I don't like his standup either. He will be doing a decent bit, then start talking about how the pyramids had to have been built by highly evolved superhumans with telekenesis, and I just can't relate. But to give credit where credit is due, his podcast DID introduce me to O&A. He was talking about the Jimmy vs Jesse Ventura fight (and he was actually defending Jesse, of course, because Joe and Jesse are partners in delusion) and it made me want to tune into O&A. I haven't missed a day since. Just to clarify, I think he's a good broadcaster, and I understand why his podcast is so popular, but it's so not for me.

P.S. The Dave Foley episode of Joes podcast was really a good one.

Rogan is full on bro-science.

DUDE, there's this theory that we evolved from primates that ingested magic mushrooms. THINK ABOUT IT DUDE. ISN'T THAT CRAZY?

No, Joe, it's bullshit.

I used to love rogan's podcast, but I feel like it's a audience grows up but the host doesn't type of situation; but I can't blame rogan, he's got millions of dollars and no pressure to change, he's going to be the forever man-child.

Joe is the main guy. I think you're thinking of Brian Redban. A really funny dude who loves dolphins.

If he smokes weed, it'll be the first bit that he's ever paid off in some time. I'm still waiting to hear the rest of the Spuds Buckley audio.

I wish Ant would do some podcasts too. I'd love to hear him on Burr's podcast shooting the shit.

I like Rogan's podcast a lot, but this won't be very good I imagine. Rogen typically has comedians or "experts" on, Opie is neither. He doesn't have much to talk about.

P.S: I guarantee he brings up those stupid ass mole people

I hope opie finally calls joe out on that dumb "positive energy" shit he's always talking about

this will be good....

Confirmed: @joerogan: Tomorrow powerful @OpieRadio joins us! At last! Epic podcast to follow! 2pm pacific http://t.co/FT77pJwK

Opster looks high

I hope Sirius xm piss tests him when he gets back & suspends him. That'd be hilarious.

Opie, Ant and Jim aren't SiriusXM employees and aren't subject to the urine tests.

who gives a care.

i think i speak for a lot of people here when i say fuck off.

Speak for yourself, nigger faggot.

OHHHHHH! Good one Louie! I hope you get raped to death by a fence post.

Louie Beanssch

thats right. thanks Chippah

Exactly! I enjoyed the two times he had Stanhope on, and even listened a few other times, but he's a real pot-talk-Monday kinda guy. It's always those, like you said, high-school-level discussions. It's kinda why I don't like his standup either. He will be doing a decent bit, then start talking about how the pyramids had to have been built by highly evolved superhumans with telekenesis, and I just can't relate. But to give credit where credit is due, his podcast DID introduce me to O&A. He was talking about the Jimmy vs Jesse Ventura fight (and he was actually defending Jesse, of course, because Joe and Jesse are partners in delusion) and it made me want to tune into O&A. I haven't missed a day since. Just to clarify, I think he's a good broadcaster, and I understand why his podcast is so popular, but it's so not for me.

P.S. The Dave Foley episode of Joes podcast was really a good one.