Anybody else wanna ask the workaholics guy about Patrice schooling him during their AMA? I wonder if he'll answer...

22  2013-01-12 by I-Neg-Men


I will always hate these dopes because they tried to son Patrice.

Patrice was being unreasonable. He thought he was entitled to respect because of his career. Alright maybe thats true on some level, but not just respect. He believed the workaholics guys should have been on their knees kissing his ass. Respect is one thing, entitlement is another.

I love both of them, (workaholics and patrice) but comics are some of the most jealous bitter people in the world. I dont hold Patrices opinions as gospel, the dude was a human just like anyone else. He could be in the wrong from time to time.

Its well established that Patrice just basically had a terrible ability to be political with other people in the entertainment biz. I see this as another instance of that. He was jealous of these young kids who already have their own successful show. The jealousy came out as malice and ill-will.

PS- still love patrice. just think he was wrong on this one. As in, he was the one being the dick. I fully expect the neck-beards to downvote me on this one.

He was jealous of these young kids who already have their own successful show.

Unless Patrice was just lying over and over again, I don't think that's it. He claims he was offered shows several times, movies several times, writing gigs several times, and either turned them down or blew them off.

I don't really see the defense of the workaholic guy here. It seems from his intro that he was trying to bust balls a little bit, so isn't it fair that Patrice busts balls back?

Totally agree with you. These guys aren't stand-up comedians or interviewers; they're actors and writers. Patrice was judging the guy by the wrong standards.

Well Adam actually is a stand up comedian, but I still agree with you.

He didn't want them to kiss his ass, that probably would've annoyed him too, he just didn't like that they were doing shtick because he was the kind of person who is easily annoyed by shticks. It's not an entitlement or a jealousy thing, it's just a "Not being considerate of whether or not I make this guy look bad" thing. Which isn't the nicest thing in the world, but to say it's entitlement or jealousy is a bit much. Especially jealousy, because Patrice was never the guy to JUST want fame. He turned shit down all the time because it wasn't something he liked doing. Plus, I don't even know if he knew enough about the Workaholics guys to be jealous about them. He could've found out who they were after the fact. I think you're incorrect in trying to find some excuse for him not liking them other than the fact that Patrice was a guy who didn't hide his first impressions of people. Which sometimes can lead to him seeming dickish, but I don't think he did anything awfully wrong here.

Sit Patrice down with any of these guys on the show and it's not going to be Patrice being 'jealous', he would cut them all to shreds and they would likely looks defenseless. He was caught over extended because the guy was finally trying to 'play the game by the rules' so he probably just felt like he had to mute himself from absolutely murdering these kids. Not that their show isn't funny, I've seen some hilarious episodes of Workaholics, but let's be real, how do you think these kids would have dealt with some of the group beatings at the Cellar?

With the same hipster indifference? I highly doubt that.

You're probably right, but I don't see why that matters. The Workaholics guys are actors, not stand-ups (or professional interviewers).

Why are people motherfucking them because they're not as quick/smart as Patrice? You'd get ripped to shreds too, does that make you an asshole?

No, it doesn't make me an asshole because I wasn't paid to try to make a bunch of people smarter and more witty than I am out to be assholes.

I just don't get you would hire actors to work crowds, especially of insult comedians? It's not like Patrice was feeling slighted, the whole thing was retarded.

That's my point. CC put them in a spot out of their element. They didn't even do a bad job by "normal" standards, but Patrice didn't like the fact that they weren't knocking him on his ass laughing.

Sit Patrice down with any of these guys on the show and it's not going to >be Patrice being 'jealous', he would cut them all to shreds and they >would likely looks defenseless.

Which he began to, and did. Patrice being jealous was not the gold here. He probably was, but his ability to process this guys bullshit AMID all the stuff he had to worry about on that big night, just goes to show his character. Not loopy distorted gospel, in fact pretty easy to discern regardless of him being right or wrong, he was still funny and did indeed school them.

I never knew this existed! The workaholics guys are generally pretty funny, I'd blame Comedy Central for making them do these dumb red carpets, but I see what Patrice is getting at

That one guy in the middle seems like a douche in real life but it is a funny show

so did someone ask this on their AMA?

It's monday

Umm no it's Saturday night.

so who's gonna ask

Someone needs to!!!

Patrice was a seasoned stand-up and these guys are just some new school hipster entertainers, of course they couldn't handle Patrice. I bet they don't remember at all though.

I bet they claim they don't remember at all though.


Trust me, that one guy remembers all too well. Not something you forget overnight, and then with Patrice's passing, how could he forget it?

Plus, I wouldn't be shocked if word of his O&A appearance discussing it or a youtube video of the O&A appearance didn't make it's way to him eventually.

As big as Patrice is to us pests, he really wasn't all that big in Hollywood, so I think it's just as possible that they just figured he was some asshole. Then again, they hadn't blown up yet, so they very possibly were googling themselves and have seen this. Also, the guy who plays Anders is the straight man for the whole show, and IMO is the least funny.

I don't really agree. People knew of Patrice. He wasn't huge to the home audience, but the industry knew him, the industry wanted Patrice but he was a dick (in my opinion, for all of the right reasons) and they had to more or less keep his ass riding pine.

I don't get the obligatory "hipster-douche-bag" hate for Workaholics. I definitely wouldn't say the show is alt comedy. Its just pretty over-the-top, obnoxious/absurd, and occasionally slapstick style humor. It has some genuinely funny moments, even though some of it is shit, (e.g., the awful rap scenes).

Kind of annoys me that if anyone who doesn't resemble an old school comic gets relegated to the hipster-alt-comedy-douche label from the Opie and Anthony crowd. Christ, Joe DeRosa is a fairly alt comic, and much more alt than the Workaholics guys.

If you listen to Patrice before he laid into the guy, he wasn't really being a douche. He wasn't being "professional" either, but that's just kind of how they are. He said two words, "kind of, sort of", and Patrice laid into him, which was hilarious, but I think Patrice was more attacking the vibe he got from the event and the cavalier attitude of a lot of red carpet interviewers. He even admitted that, had he known that was the guys schtick, he wouldn't have gone off on him like that.

Edit: Spelling and shit.

I've never watched Workaholics but being in the LA comedy scene, just that guy with his fucking afro and mustache spells out the show for me. The "vibe" I get from Workaholics is everything that's making comedy weak and bland.

Here's the best way I can describe it: Flight of the Conchords (Season 1) was actually two guys who were so weird and retarded, it made you laugh saying, "lol that shit is so dumb lol." Workaholics, IT Crowd, these new waves of show seem to just be people's perception of being unique and cutting edge, just presented as not realizing you're even making an attempt at being funny, thus then alternative comedy.

Joe DeRosa is alty, but you clearly see he thinks his shit is funny and his delivery is nothing that of a true hipsterdicksaltroyquan comic. Workaholics maybe a funny show, but you'll catch me eating a box dick of Big Bang Theory before watching that shit.

"I've never watched Workaholics".

Then dude, you can't really comment on it. Your analysis is, in my opinion, pretty off. I liked FOTC, but that was definitely irony laden alt comedy through and through. IT Crowd just sucks in my opinion... as horrendous as Big Bang Theory. Workaholics really isn't trying to be unique or cutting edge. From what I understand, two of the guys, (arguably the funnier of the the two), have been friends for a while and the dynamic definitely shows -- its just two friends goofing off and being douches, (in an amusing way). Search around for any of the most popular Workaholic scenes. There isn't a fucking hint of irony or subtly, two things which alt comedy incorporates quite a bit.

How can you call it shit if you've never seen it? I can guaran-fucking-tee you it is funnier than the Big Bang Theory, but then again, what isn't. If you see it and don't find it funny, that's cool. I wouldn't try and argue about what is or isn't funny, I'm just saying it seems absurd to call it alt comedy, or judge it as unfunny without having watched any of it.

Fair enough sir, fair enough.

Will not only check out the pilot but also episodes 2 & 3 in case there's The Wire situation going on, be back with review.

Pest away

The opening scene of the pilot hooked me. It's just silly stoner/slacker comedy, but is pretty raunchy and one of the better CC shows in recent memory IMO. With Tosh and Jeff Ross also in the fold, I actually think CC is finally watchable.

That's nice that you've already made up your mind before seeing an episode, but Workaholics is actually a really funny show. It's not really as hipster as you seem to think. It's just a show about a group of losers who have entered the work force without growing out of their party stage. Hijinx ensue and everyone laughs. That's about it. There's no need to really deconstruct it or overthink it.

No, I've seen several episodes. It's shit

Does anyone else actually think that show is pretty funny? I don't get why the guy was a douche when interviewing patrice.

Workaholics is god awful.

They are incredibly unfunny. Fucking hipster ironic comedy is shit.

Exactly! All they do is make 90's references and fucking drunk/weed jokes. Its terrible.



I worshipped him when he was alive.


Seriously though, Patrice was the fucking best.

you fail to realize that patrice was being real, and this cocksucker was just trying to do a bit. that's all this guys life and career is though. some shitty bit from a shitty comedy central show.

Sit Patrice down with any of these guys on the show and it's not going to >be Patrice being 'jealous', he would cut them all to shreds and they >would likely looks defenseless.

Which he began to, and did. Patrice being jealous was not the gold here. He probably was, but his ability to process this guys bullshit AMID all the stuff he had to worry about on that big night, just goes to show his character. Not loopy distorted gospel, in fact pretty easy to discern regardless of him being right or wrong, he was still funny and did indeed school them.

You're probably right, but I don't see why that matters. The Workaholics guys are actors, not stand-ups (or professional interviewers).

Why are people motherfucking them because they're not as quick/smart as Patrice? You'd get ripped to shreds too, does that make you an asshole?