Did Opie mention any more about his viral video?

4  2013-01-07 by sonofarex

The one he took when he was underground and didn't want to talk about much?

I missed a lot of last week, was it ever brought up again?

If it wasn't, any speculation?


Here it is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Co_yWmPqlq8

It's pretty intense.

This better not be that stupid trick shot video


he's lucky he wasn't arrested


opie's teases stink

The way he kept saying referring to people "poking around" leads me to believe he just ran into a bunch of people shooting up. I can see his viral video now with a a bunch of dramatic sweeping shots of used needles all over the ground. Maybe even the actual dude who took him down there. He did talk about how nuts the guys is.

He was referring to his guide 'poking around.' I think he went somewhere very off limits. Just can't imagine what it is. Considering it's Manhattan, I had a thought that maybe they snuck up a building in construction. He also referenced it in comparison to sky diving, so heroin addicts doesn't seem right.

They might have cut a pad lock or something to gain access to somewhere they shouldn't be. Maybe a trespassing/homeland security issue.

It was a body.