O&A Classic: 11-24-2004 - "Show we can't talk about" (Full Show)

36  2012-12-21 by [deleted]

Just heard it, figured I'd share for those who have not. Will probably share some other classics over the break, if there's any interest.

The boys get a new Jagermeister machine, and hilarity ensues. Whores in the studio, Ralphie May, more whores. Wifflebat Challenge. Sex in the studio. Danny gives it a whirl. The bat is now covered in tacks. Blood and vaginal fluid everywhere.



How about the bit that never happened? Patrice O'Neal and Louis CK doing the slave girl bit, which is fucking hilarious, but obviously got censored. it's around the hour mark i think: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXmbmf1KlFo

I got that slave girl bit on audible. That's some funny shit right there.

My favorite Patrice bit ever.

Holy fuck, Ant's cream cheese line around 1:50:00 was incredible

I have wanted to listen to this forever. Could never find it. Thank you for posting this.

Aww shucks, I was going to go find this and post it on YouTube.

Do it up, I'm sure someone would appreciate the mirror.


Yes, there is interest. Thank you for posting this.

this is like a Christmas miracle or sumptin

Upvoting for, "sharing some other classics over the break".

Do it.

good lookin out, b.

Definitely share more classics.

Dear Lord, thank you for this. i was thinking about it earlier this week. I can't wait to listen.

I was lucky enough to hear this live. It was after this show that they decided to mellow out and try to keep their jobs.

thank you so much - downloaded this a year ago and only got 1/2 - can't wait to hear the whole thing

upvoted otherwise i would feel like a horses patoot

I have to say that it was uninspiring.

Commenting for future reference.

Ralphie May is a BOSS!