New O&A archive - Continuing on from GreggTony&Jim

68  2012-12-19 by glueleg


Love the Acronym created by their names.

Nice. Many thanks.

Yay! Pudding!

I miss this

Greatly appreciated, cannot live without this show, so basically you've got my life in your faggot ass looking hands, sir.

Cheers for carrying on the legacy of the great GTAJ. RIP Mr P, RIP Steve C, RIP Danny R, RIP GTAJ.

Long live G.A.Y.

Awesome, glad some great person stepped up to the plate!

You're a good man, thank you.

May many whores blow you in the future sir!

Thank you so fucking much.

Sweet! Thanks! I love explanation points!!!

I could kiss you for this.

Thank you very much.

Thank you!

Thank you!

If I could afford Gold, you sir would now have some.

New O&A source and was pointed to a new Ron and Fez source. Thank you!



You're a hero.

Thank you!

I know beggers cant be choosers, but will there be youtube uploads?

Hopefully this guy can fill the shoes of an outgoing legend. I have my doubts, but I'm hopeful! Thank you, sir!