So long Danny Ross...

23  2012-12-19 by harriswill

Secretly my favorite staff member. There was some thing that made him more relatable than the rest of the bunch; A creep in short.

Oh well, enjoy your coming time with Rock Star Gaming, some of us will miss you, the rest cannot be happier.

-O&A Fan

EDIT: Also for those who don't think of it as a loss, it is a loss for all O&A fans. This is another staff member the show loses and the company feels they don't need to replace. In the end all that'll be left are fucking Sal's who have no creativity and are just happy to be there and get $15,000 a year as allowance money on top of what they get from their parents


Also troy is useless. He's not funny. He's a Dick. He thinks he's cool and all he does his production which is useless really other then the occasional bit

I would be thrilled if Troy got fired.

That would make this the best Christmas EVER. Troy is the epitome of douchiness.

you forgot talentless - his productions are usually not that good, really points out how talented Steve C was



I'm glad he is gone. He's the worst.

Hold on a second ... Troy was fired? Please tell me this is so!


Why are you so grody?


Another one bites the dust

I'm not surprised that Danny's mouth/attitude got him fired. Whether he had a valid point or not he was never very good at conveying it without coming across as a condescending jackass.

And that's how you executive produce!

He deserved to get fired. He's not talent, he can't be an asshole to the boss and get away with it. Edit: I bet all he had to do was say "sorry" and he would have walked.

He probably thought daddy Anthony was going to save his ass. When you get into arguments with almost every staff member over the years maybe its time to realize that YOUR the problem.

I'm sure he was a great producer all those years but I never liked him on the show. He was always so annoying. The last thing he did that pissed me off was when he started arguing with Anthony about how video games should be played. It's a video game. It doesn't matter at all. It literally has no value. Just play the game and have fun. Don't look into this much.

I enjoyed the 'how much would it take' sciencey bits he did, those were funny...that's about all I can think of though

The how many farts it would take to do this and that? Ugh, no thank you. Yuck. I (don't) look forward to hearing those in the next GTA game.

[I really like all the staffers. They all combined, are what created great radio. Sure there are a few which I think are better than others. But losing a main player like Danny sure does suck. No more secret shows, or BTTF impassioned references.]

He was a brown noser and you hated him.

No one get the caddyshack reference?

I really hated Danny. So glad he's gone.

I couldn't stand Danny when he was on air, good riddance, i would feel sorry for him had he been terminated unjustifiably, but for what i gather, he was deservedly let go on accounts of being an entitled, rude, nobody

Say what you want about Danny, but that was one hell of an exit.

Is the full story somewhere? Did they talk about it on the show one day? I'm a few days behind it seems.

Edit: I saw the YouTube link below. Looks like I need to hear Tuesday's show.


haven't had time to listen to the past couple shows, did they talk about it more and tell the story as to why he was fired?

Thanks a lot, i assume this was from tuesday's show? Also, have an upvote


O&A has a bloated staff when compared to other SiriusXM shows. Management can't wait for fuck ups so that then can fire O&A staff. Bye bye Danny. Hope you find another lucrative job in this economy.

How long had Danny been there? Was he making erock money?

Danny was on XM from day 1

Danny was an asshole - and I will miss him

wonder if he thought he could get away with not respecting the boss because he assumed Ant could come to his aid and he thought the show talks about them on air could translate into real life?


Never forget

Five Dullars.

I think that Danny pulled one to many CLMs (Career Limiting Manuever) and being an asshole to the President of the company is NEVER a good idea. (unless you are the CEO... even then... exercise some tact.)

Sometimes it is necessary to just take your beating and move on. He would still be working on the show if he just offered the President the fake apology routine that Opie and Anthony have talked about many times.

"I'm sorry. It was poor judgement on my part. It won't happen again." Then agree with whatever else the President says. Keep your dream job. Lick your wounds. Move Along. Things go back to normal.


douche or not, getting fired before the holidays... that's rough. as a person who knows the process of chance after chance, and making a firing the last thing you do to a person, i feel like this stupid one direction horse shit could have skated. fucking band will be irrelevant in a year.

How is it that erock has stayed through all these years and staffers just roll by.

That proves what you hear on air isnt the whole story. Erock obviously provides something

Source for fat jokes?

Edit: remember when he had to call out of work because the door fell off his refrigerator?

That was amazing. Why didn't he just think of a better lie?

But I thought he brings nothing to the table.... lingy lingy


Homerun, thedude831. Now take us out, you piece of shit.

Tsss fuckin' double guns

I think he even eats the table.

They can't fit his fat ass out the door. When the company finally folds they're going to have to burn the building down with him in it as a final send off like in What's Eating Gilbert Grape. "We'd need the national guard to get his fat ass out of that building"

Wow- finally listened to Tuesdays show.

That idea was funny as fuck, but obviously Danny didn't know when to shut up.

It's too bad. He was funny.

In the end all that'll be left are fucking Sal's who have no creativity and are just happy to be there and get $15,000 a year as allowance money on top of what they get from their parents.

You sound like a complete asshole with zero intellect.

haha you're right I am a zilch.

no sir, i believe you to be a loyal fan. i'm just sick of a lot of redditors extrapolating too much.

thats probably because you were molested as a kid

Flow chart?

You sound like a complete asshole with zero intellect.