Opie & Anthony ::December 17, 2012

26  2012-12-17 by skynet907


Ant, please tell me more about the 2nd amendment and what the forefathers really ment. Opie please tell me more about what it's like to be a father.

I need a break.

From the show you mean? I can understand that, I just came back to the show after not having listened for over a year. Sometimes you just have to, I love the show but I often find myself wondering if the guys realize how much the repeat themselves....Holy shit.

I've been taking 1-2 months off at a time for a few years now. I check back in, ascertain that Ant still nose dives the show with right-ist rants and that comics other than Papa, DeRosa Bawby and Vos are rarely, and move on. I've become a huge R&F fan.

I've become a big Ronnie B fan, not so much the rest of the show - wonder what he would sound like with a creative equal?

We get a window into that every once in a while when he sits in on O&A. And he completely kills. It's amazing to me that he can carry a show with Pepper (god bless him) and Fez. And an entertaining one at that.

this is exactly why I have become such a fan - Ron is amazing --- as I said imagine him with an equal (or better than he has) partner --- I only wish I had been into this sort of radio during the Ron & Ron days --- Diaz visited a few years ago and it was incredible

someone suggested he swap fez for Ant --- not bad, only I can't imagine the opie and fez show

Cool, have fun gargling Fez's hairy balls

Boo hoo hoo.

And for the record, Tom Papa sucks on the show.

I got the first few months on XM last year --- they did the same show for at least 5 years --- amazing how repetitive they can be - and we still listen


O and A solution to mental illness : Stop it.


Oh....because its fucking stupid.

I will say, I really thought Anthony was going to be a bit more of a raving lunatic today. Also, when he goes into his "Professor Anthony/Fox News talking head tryout" mode I want to gouge my ears.


And all of the news you get from MSNBC or Huffington Post are unbiased and your own opinions?

You are making the assumption I get my news strictly from both. And all media has bias. It's up to the viewer to decipher what's fact and what's spin.

Whenever ant tries to be serious he sounds so douchey

How did that ever become a regular part of the show

Anyone who finds entertainment in his insane rants is a fucking lunatic.

Fuck that. At least Ant stands for something. Opie and Jimmy can't make up their mind on anything because they're too emotional. If the show was a liberal circlejerk I wouldn't listen.

I still wonder why Jimmy complains when the fans call him a lib.

Yeah, he may be a moderate, but he shows time and time again that he's very left-leaning.

Opie said the shooting was equivalent to 9/11. Riiight

It probably is the most intense tragedy involving terrorism since it. Feel free to name another.

Wait a week. We'll have a new Patriot Act, the 'Protect Children At All Costs' act that rapes our 2nd and 4th amendment rights. Political suicide to vote against it.

Not 1 laugh in todays show. I understand u gotta talk about the shooting but not for 4 hours. Then Opie bored everyone on the aftershow

I give the boys credit for mentioning the fact that 22 chinks were stabbed and no one died, at least they aren't 100% pro gun no matter what and are trying to look at things.

since 2010 --- 20 deaths and 90 wounded in Chinese schools - knives, cleavers and in one case gasoline

For a population of a billion, over 3 years, 20 school deaths is pretty amazing. If we multiplied Americas school deaths by 3, over 3 years, do you think we'll be in that ball park?

Americans love to shoot people - think it is in our dna

this is still the all time champ in school killings

Bath School disaster

can't find the other link, the three next worst in recent history were in England and Germany

Forty minutes in and they're still going on about locking up everyone with a mental illness.

Remember when they used to be entertaining constantly, and not just a few hours a week? Listening to their uninformed opinions about everything from taxes to mental health is getting tiring.

Stop listening then douchebag.

Agreed, and I did.

anyone else finding opie even more annoying that usual today?


ha yea, turns out his mom is perfectly normal. her son just suffers from being a little bitch and never having enough attention.

oh, Opie talking about his mommy issues again. neat.

What mommy issues? I would have killed for his childhood.