haven't listened for 6 months now, seems like a lot has happened only the past 1-2 weeks. What's going on?

10  2012-12-16 by aftonpoften

Danny's been fired, some shit with Opie not being around. Anyone care to give me an update?


It's been tense (though professional) for a long time --- but the tension has been palpable since the birth of Opie's 2nd child. Everyone visited the baby in the hospital except for Anthony, which has to hurt Opie a little because these two men were very close at one time. Then, after the birth of little Opetta Marie, O&A were scheduled to both go to L.A. together to film that hidden camera show and meet with their agent together. Big things were in the works, supposedly... Well, the hurricane came to NYC right before they were supposed to leave. Anthony didn't want to leave his Compound while the power was still out (can't really blame him for that) and Opie went alone. Fast forward a couple of weeks, where Paltalk viewers caught at 6:00am fight between the two men, supposedly about some of Anthony's tweets badmouthing the service at Opie's restaurant. Opie stormed off before they went to air and took three days off. They can't stand each other any more, which is a real shame because these two men wouldn't have been successful without the other. Poor Op thinks he'd be Ryan Seacrest by now if Anthony didn't have alcohol abuse issues a decade ago, but the reality is that he'd be at some upstate NY BFE station and Anthony would still be knocking tin. They should get that therapist who worked with Metallica and kept them together. If he isn't available, I offer my services for free.

Shit, I didn't know about the 'Anthony not visiting the hospital' story. Thanks for that.

It's funny how when you're a fan of a group of people you always want them to be best friends.

They were best friends at one time. Like brothers even. :/ They don't have to go back to that level of friendship again, but it would be nice if they gave a shit about each other again.

Reminds me of when, Anthony and Jim were honestly concerned back when Opie had the cancer scare (2009?), but then Opie revealed to Twitter that it wasn't prostate cancer instead of telling them in person.

Nothing you have said in these two posts is based on facts right? OK.

What the hell are you talking about?

Google it. Google it.

Opie prostate cancer scare. Their earlier friendship

thanks for this info! It really seems to me that opie wants to be friends with anthony more than ant wants it..

Ant just wants guns, 16 year old girls, toy helicopters and a world without minorities.

oh, the american dream?

Yeah, a world away from baby puke, walks on the beach and daily sunsets. Can't really blame him.

Opie has always been the needy one on the show. I remember years ago he used to give himself gold stars on a poster whenever he got 'Line of the Day".

The way you keep referring to them as "the two men" makes it all sound really gay.

Quicker for me to type "two men" on my phone than "O&A".

I do remember awhile back Op made a video while walking on the beach saying that after his son was born he would stop making jokes about kids but wouldn't stop the other guys from doing so.

Opines vagina was butthurt because Anthony is a fancy man. Jimmy still likes trannies. Howard doesn't work. Sam is the hardest working half breed in radio. Ant doesn't like the blacks or Obama.

And Sal is a useless cunt.

Seriously. He's nearly as useless as present-day Fez.

Sal is worse, IMO. At least there are flashes of old Fezzie sometimes, mixed in with grumpy Todd. Sal only shined in comparison to whatshisname, the really shitty intern. Sal is a cunty little participation trophy winner.

The one thing is Sal's defense, the kid just started radio whereas Fez gets paid way more and stays silent for the majority of the show.

True, but my problem with Sal is not the quality of his work but his attitude. Fez has actual mental problems(unless it is a work) keeping him from being the genius we know he can be.

haha so nothing really new then!

Well the thing is, noone is really talking about it. When Opie got back he just mentioned that he and Anthony being in a fight and Danny being fired in the first couple of seconds of the show, then they moved on.

Hence the pulling of pubic hairs.

If I ever learned something from this show it's that drama gets me real wet. I fucking love it.

yeah me too.. Gotta start listening next week again. The drama is so much fun because it's real

Pretty sure they'll already be on their break by then. Not sure when they get back though, sorry.

Edit: I was wrong, forget I said anything

danny got fired for...no one really knows. there are 1032430297 theories, but no one will talk about it.

The more I listen to this show (few years off and on) the more I realize Opie really does make the show. No Ant? Bring in Ronnie B.

comletely the opposite. Nopie shows are great. As Rhev referred to a couple posts down, he talks about his kids a lot and what makes it worse is that he talks about their private schools and money situation etc... They're going to turn into the "entitled" people that he always complains about. Ant makes the show. This weeks shows with Nopie should have been called "Anthony and Friends"

Nopie shows are average shows at best. It rarely gets as good as when they are all 3 together. No Ant is alright, no Jimmy is also alright since they almost always replace him with a great comic, no Opie is ok at best.

I don't see a different between "alright" and "ok at best." Opie complains like an old lady

Did you hear the show this week with Opie and Joe DeRosa? If you want the old Cherry Darts stuff, go checkout Stern.

That show was absolute garbage. Especially when the "real" story makes him a a giant hypocrite. I really like Anthony and the guests they get

I hope the fight between O&A was about the fact that before Opie's first kid was born, he swore up and down that he wouldn't ever turn into a DJ that talked about his kids.

But since then, it's fucking ALL he talks about. Well that and complete stupidity like "think about water it makes no sense!"

Boy when he lost his edge, it became obvious that he's got nothing, didn't it?

Who knows? There's not a lot of info, hopefully monday's show will clear everything up.

Mondays show is gonna be Ant defending the NRA for four hours.

I think he has the tact to step away from that discuss right now.

We'll see, but I think him and opie are going to get into it.

haha yeah right

I thought Danny didnt actually get fired.

No he is fired for real, Sam talked about it for the last minute or two of the after show on friday. they did not go into any detail, just that it isn't a bit and Danny no longer works for the show.

When they say "it isn't a bit" it usually is a bit.

I have the feeling that Opie and Anthony might get into it again when they talk about the tragedy in Connecticut

yeah i was thinking that too. One gun nut and one guy with two kids, one of which is a newborn... I wish Burr was in studio to lay a smack down on Ant.

I'm almost looking forward to it. I actually want to hear what Opie has to say for once.

I'm almost looking forward to it. I actually want to hear what Opie has to say for once.