SiriusXM Subscription Question

1  2012-12-16 by CashewGuy

I currently subscribe to an XM package that totals a little more than[Edit] $60/3 months [/Edit]. I really only listen to OA/RF when I'm at work, but I enjoy listening when I drive. The problem is, I only drive for about 25 minutes a day (12 to work, 12 back, plus extra time for a prettier number). So I'm wondering, if I cut the car portion in general, could I just download the show in the XM app and listen without being charged for data?

And, is an internet-only subscription even possible?



Your best bet is probably just downloading the show elsewhere and throwing it on your phone to listen at your leisure. Their app is shit and I think even if you do "download" the shows on it, they don't actually download and you need to use data to listen to them.

I have an internet only plan for my phone and it blows. 15 bucks a month and the app is shit. Like, I want to pay the company for their services, but it's just so bad I think I'll cancel soon.

I was under the impression that all of the places that provided downloads were shutting down? Are there any suggestions? I've heard that Audible has the service.

No, the phone doesn't require that you be online. I put mine in Airplane mode and was still able to listen to Bagel'n with the Sex yesterday (which I had, regrettably, downloaded).

Thanks for the advice, 60/3months is ridiculous for such a shit company.

Yea dude, their shit service really lost me as a customer. I use SternGeek on twitter he usually has the shows same day, if you hang out on this subreddit, I think BiteMyTorrent is going to keep opening up registration. And I think there's a guy on soundcloud called timmycakes that uploads the show. I usually transfer the files to my iPhone as an audiobook, because the rewind/ffwd function is better for audiobooks.

Cool! Thanks for all of the info!

So, here's my plan.

Step 1: Order One of these.

Step 2: Follow @SternGeek.

Step 3: Cancel XM Subscription.

Step 4: Every Morning/Evening, Download R&F/O&A.

Step 5: Sync to iPhone -> Podcast/Audiobook.

Step 6: Listen, Rinse, Repeat.

Sound good?

Sounds good man. Here's what I do though. I download the show. Transfer to iTunes, right click "get info". Go to info tab, change Artist, Album Artist, and Album to O&A, Howard Stern Show or Ron & Fez depending on what show it is of course. And then click the options tab and change media kind to audiobook and check off "remember playback position" Transfer that file to your iphone and it will be under audiobooks. Dont make the file a podcast because the podcast app on the iphone blows.

Ah, nice! I'll take that into account. Thanks!

Why are you paying $60 a month???

Not per month, every three months.

Yea dude, their shit service really lost me as a customer. I use SternGeek on twitter he usually has the shows same day, if you hang out on this subreddit, I think BiteMyTorrent is going to keep opening up registration. And I think there's a guy on soundcloud called timmycakes that uploads the show. I usually transfer the files to my iPhone as an audiobook, because the rewind/ffwd function is better for audiobooks.