Update: Danny is, in fact, fired

26  2012-12-14 by [deleted]

Confirmed on the aftershow by Sam, Troy, Erock, and Roland. Turns out it wasn't a joke, and is also irrelevant to Danny harassing a listener via phone.

Heh... RIP Danny.

I hope O&A address this in more detail later on. Danny, liked or not, was a classic part of the show.


Only thing I'll miss about Danny is that his off-mic laugh in the background would occasionally make one of Jimmy's jokes funnier.

God, I love that. And this.

i remember how much of a dummy he looked like during that shit.

Who, Danny? I thought this piece shit all over Little Nicky. Best thing Danny's ever done, imo.

I remember little Nicky's production blowing Danny's away.

I remember listening to this a few years ago - where did this end up? It just completely got dropped.

I always tried to like Danny and as of late, I felt he wasn't horrible on the air. And then you look at his Twitter yesterday and I realize, that he's just a dickbag that parrots Norton's lines, and Anthony's viewpoints.


Now that I think on it, that may be the only contribution to the show as far as on air product goes....O_O

I actually thought I hated every thing about Danny until you brought that up. Thank you. Still glad he's gone unfortunately.

TIL that not only am I the only one who likes Danny, but I also have grounds for a "Danny ran GTAJ.com" consiracy

Actually, GTAJ was run by HAARP.


Guess I. Should stop by and thank them for their service. Lol. (yes, I did just laugh at my own joke. That goofy haired fuck is just laughable.)

"riff raff rocky horror hairdo"

Thank_you_for_your_service. pat pat

Tell me more

GTAJ took out Ted's with therrrrmite paint


good bye FUCKO

This will end one of two ways. Either he'll end up working at Hard Rock or find himself a hat removal device.

Wow, whoda thunk that pests don't like dead steve c jokes

How did it happen?

I can't stand Danny when he argues with people, he came off like a total cunt, but I'm bummed the guy is actually fired.

He was a douche. I didn't realize how much of a little bitch he was until he started yelling "I'll sue you" at Steve C during one of their arguments

He can immediately flip into entitled cunt mode. Listening to him debate with Troy and Steve C (and Patrice when Patrice shit on him) reminds me of a crazy ex-girlfriend I had.

Still, when he wasn't cuntily arguing with people, he was a decent guy, funny occasionally, and I'd prefer him on staff rather than off.

Yeah, it's about 50/50 when it comes to me liking his contributions to the show. I'd hate to see him get fired, but i'm pretty convinced it's a bit.

I hope so. You have to be a pretty big piece of shit for me to want you to be jobless these days, coincidentally I work with a fair share of those big pieces of shit so... yeah.

To be fair, that was a response to Steve using the "if I wouldn't lose my job for it, I would kick your ass" threat: equally a bitch argument

Yeah, that was kind of a bitch statement too, but you got to admit the "I'll sue you" response takes being a little bitch to another level.

Carnies and rubes...

I'm thinking the same thing.

You ever been on that Internet there? It's nothing BUT strap hangers, my friend.

Glad he is fired, i'm sure his happy positive attitude will get him far.

December has been a weird month of radio

Danny sucked anyway

Yup just heard by Sam. I didn't think it was a joke when I heard it the other day. That's how they'd handle things like that. But now we want to know why. Annoying.

It's not how they handle it at all. They talked in detail about Steve getting fired. They talked in detail about Than leaving. Even when Rick got fired they told us why (starting physical altercation with Stern fan during walkover)

To just not say a word is very unusual.

Wasn't ben fired for the walk over incident? Rick hasn't been a part of the show since wnew

It was definitely Ben that got shitcanned for the Stern Fan incident. Rick was WNEW era.

My bad, it was Ben

Even when Rick got fired they told us why (starting physical altercation with Stern fan during walkover)

That wasn't Rick - that was Ben. Rick never came over to XM.

I've missed the last few shows/aftershows, does anyone know why he's been fired?

He possibly was the guy who won tickets to the "One Direction" appearance and was going to bring a porn star to it as part of a bit, management caught wind of this and I would guess burned him for it.

This honestly sound the most logical. Anthony couldn't protect him from upper management. Where did you hear that?

This is speculation but this has been the most likely reason going around, link to the earlier discussion thread mentioning this

he admitted on air to calling back and harassing a listener.

so basically because he was being Danny.


That caller was an asshole. He called Danny a pussy then said his lawyer wife would get him fired haha

OP said it was irrelevant to the caller incident?

How does op know?


So Sam said it wasn't related but didn't say why? What made him bring up that issue? Did a caller mention it?

Not at first they didn't. In the weeks following Steve's firing the information trickled out slowly. Same for Than and Ben. I think you're remembering incorrectly. The way I recall it was that it was more like "oh, steve's gone. He was let go last week." Then it wasn't till future days that all the details came out.

Than actually left on his own, he wasn't fired.

I immediately started thinking "man, now O&A have to talk about this tomorrow morning." Then I remembered today is Friday, and I was sad. Are they even on next week? I hope I can hear more about Danny, I'll miss that shithead.

Just like I miss Patrice, East side Dave, Than, Steve, etc. I've been listening since their show began being simulcast in Buffalo NY back in... um... god... 2000? I can't recall. I do remember walking from my house on the shores of Lake Erie down the beach a mile or two to show up at T&A for O&A and being amazed by the size of the crowds.

Over the years the show has changed a lot and a lot of that has to do with the tertiary characters that have come and gone from the show, each bringing a different flavor.

ESD is gone? (havent listened in a few years)

Dave left on his own accord, wasn't fired. He still does a show on Saturdays.

I thought he was the good one, compared to Troy.

Compared to Troy? That's not saying much.

Per Danny's facebook page he got fired for plugging the Alamo Drafthouse. Still not sure if its a gag though. there is a thread on wackbag if anyone wants to checkout

wasn't Bob Kelly involved too, will he be banned?

I can't comprehend why this would be grounds for termination.


Not sure why this is an issue.

If I remember correctly it came up in a discussion of the movie theater experience and what theaters had to do to keep customers coming in and dropping over $20-$30 a person between tix and refreshments in the age of cheap big screen tvs in every home.

Imax, 3D and the Alamo Drafthouse were mentioned as cool experiences that were examples of what they were doing to lure customers there.

Danny, who had been to an Alamo Drafthouse explained how awesome he thought it was.

I don't understand how this any difference than when the guys talk about any other product good or bad, be it a cell phone carrier, Guy's restaurant, a movie in theaters, etc that isn't a sponsor of the show. Where is that line of what they can and can't say about a product or business if this an issue?

Sounds like a bullshit reason to fire the guy unless you are looking for a reason to.

I still don't believe it

I would not call him a classic part of the show. He was no where near Ben, Steve, etc.

Nobody said he was comparable to Ben or Steve.

He's been around a WHILE though. Been through a lot. Like him or not.

OMG YESSS!! YES!!!! YESSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OOhhhh type type type speculate speculate speculate

Still not buyin' it. Will listen to the replay, but a) it's an old bit, and b) Sam is a shit-stirrer of the highest magnitude. And the entire staff are wolves.

Oh BTW if he was really fired they probably won't be able to talk about it. It would be a HR issue just like when what's his name (Derek?) got fired.

Say what you will about Danny, he was lightning fast on the computer and helped with the flow of the show. Especially when compared to Sam behind the computer. That kid's a trainwreck. Who doesn't know how to google properly?!


Am I the only one here that thinks that whole thing was a bit?


I feel really badly for him because he won't find another radio gig. :/. Does he have any other skills?

Yes, his bartending experience will allow an easy transition to full-time drink duties at the Cumia estate

He used to sell mortgages.

This really just bummed me out. I just remembered a little while back when he was talking about how lucky he was to have a job like he had with the boys because he could never go back to doing anything else (i.e. office/desk job).

Fuck, well now I'm sad about it.

I remember that, I think I remember him implying that he would kill himself if he ever lost his job in the same discussion.

Yeah that was the one. I'm not even a Danny fan, but I know the feeling. It sucks losing a once in a lifetime fun gig.

If he was really fired. This part makes it suck. Regret is a motherfucker. He can get a job somewhere with his skillset.

I have a feeling that Anthony probably gives him money.

I don't know about "gives" him money. I know he sells Anthony's LFTC merchandise for him.

I liked Danny. Met him in Cleveland and got to hang out with him and Troy for a bit and he couldn't have been nicer. Sucks to see him go especially since it means Sal is going to be doing more.

Little Nicky vs Danny is a classic bit. I still have the song on my computer somewhere.

The boys have been talking about how much more vacation the staff has than O&A, I bet he's taking the rest of the year off and coming back when the show resumes in January.

Edit: Dumb typo.

confirmed on the show, Danny was fired due to the stripper One direction idea.

When you say "the show", you mean the real show, and not the aftershow? Haven't listened at all today.

It was discussed on the O and A show as well as the shit show

And they specifically said it was the 1D incident?

yessir, check out todays show around the last 45 min

why thank you, sir.

They made it sound like there was more to it than just bringing an inappropriate guest to the appearance. Danny got too familiar with the company president (Scott Greenstein). There was some talk that he was very disrespectful to him. I like Danny but if you talk like that to the boss, you're asking for it and deserve to get the boot.

You're totally right. I didn't explain well enough. Scott said something like 'I've never been more disrespected in my life', Danny was probably being a hardass. Of well I'm sure he'll get a job at rock star just like dboy did when he got canned

I won't miss him, but I also didn't hate him. It's sad when anyone gets fired from anywhere, so I do feel bad for him

Couldn't stand him, but he added to the show.

Since I'm re-listening to all O&A shows (I'm on 1/20/2005) and all they talk about is 'This new intern Danny'.... I feel like a time traveler now when I listen knowing he goes from intern, to employee, to gone.

read his twitter conversations, i'm pretty sure it's just a gag



I'd love a Danny worst of.


Danny had his douche moments, but he kept his mouth shut for the most part. Not to say Sam is complete shit, but he's an amateur, and the listeners don't need to listen to him as much as they do. I prefer danny to Sam as the fourth mic. sams a half wigger, wrestling obsessed, whiny voiced kid. I'd rather the shit show was a "worst of" show like it was originally intended ( to my memory). Danny knew his place on the show, I'd rather that than lose air time of hearing the actual show hosts talk..

I'm thinking the same thing.

You ever been on that Internet there? It's nothing BUT strap hangers, my friend.

Compared to Troy? That's not saying much.

I don't know about "gives" him money. I know he sells Anthony's LFTC merchandise for him.