Thursday, 13th December Listening Thread

23  2012-12-13 by [deleted]

Tarantino in today, I wonder if Opie will be.

EDIT: Opie's back.


Who's the new guy? :D

I really hope Danny is fired.

take Sal too

Is anyone else loving this Tarantino interview? I feel like this is the best radio the guys have done in weeks.

wish he'd stop by more often than every 5 years

I swear we could just get Tarantino and Kevin Smith to co-host their own show and then just talk about movies endlessly; it would be marvelous.

I can't believe they'd fire Danny out of no where... For something that didn't even happen. If they wanted to trim, why not cut sal the useless?

If it wasn't for the porn star thing, I could see him getting fired for calling that listener at home a bunch of times. That was a pretty creepy thing to do.

Didn't hear this... Details?

During one of the after shows last week, or maybe the week before, they took a caller who Danny had been arguing with on the phone, off air, during the O and A show. This guy was a huge douche that kept talking over everyone and got Danny pretty worked up. The guy mentioned that after their initial argument Danny had called the guys house a few times. Danny laughed and admitted he had, and said he was going to call the guy some more during the day to fuck with him.

If he told Danny not to call him at home again and he did, that is harassment.

Because he probably makes less money.

Sounds like he was indeed suspended. I'm sticking to my OneD theory that you all downvoted.

wouldn't he talk about it if that was the case? the only reason i thought it could be because of fight between him and Ant is because they aren't talking about it.

Well if he had a massive fight with Anthony like everyone is speculating would he sound this upbeat and buddy buddy with him?

Because he's a professional. They've both come to the studio and put a good show on the in the past while hating each other.

This. They are professional entertainers. Its their job. Getting along is literally their job.

There have been many comedic/entertainer relationships like this. Personally I dont give a shit about the relationship behind the scenes, its the comedy that I care about.

i really don't know lol all this speculation, both ideas (opie suspended and the fight) are logical and could have easily happened.

I hadn't even thought about that. I wonder...


OneD theory?

I had a theory that the Opster might have been suspended for giving out the One Direction concert location but it seems like the fight thing is true.

Danny fired? or is Opie screwing with us

Oh I hope more than anything that is true.

Probably fucking around.

what could he possibly be fired for? the only thing he has done on air recently is scream at some dude and threaten to call him at home. i don't think thats cause to be fired.

On Stern, I heard Howard bitching that Fred Norris couldn't get One Direction tickets from the company. Then, Gary or one of the others mentioned that a producer from another show has been fired because he won the company-wide ticket contest and planned to bring a porn star with him for a bit. It was obvious that they were talking about the O&A show.

Poor Danny. I hope he really isn't fired.

That takes prep... Something the show doesn't really do.

Sirius said they wanted more "bits".

can they really fire someone for thinking about doing something? i mean, it is Sirius, but that seems a little low, even for them.

Probably much more reasonable to pull the tickets from him or whoever it was.

Danny is a Sirius employee and O&A has a bloated non-contract staff. They were probably looking for a reason to trim the show.

this Makes the most sense. Hate to see danny go but rather him than anyone else. (Probably not the most popular opinion around here)

I really he hasn't been fired, he is by far the best person on the show but he just moved into a new place, this close to Christmas I wouldn't wish that on anybody

Edit : hope he hasn't been fired Double edit : worst person on the show Sorry guys I'm new to reddit :-(

What day was this?

I don't know. Sometime this week. I rarely listen to Stern anymore. Was in the car and I was on his channel for a few moments.

same here, I was all in with stern for a while. He started taking too many days off and his show just wasnt funny anymore. It was just yelling at people and camgirls (whoever told him hot girls is good for radio is a dope). I tried to hang in there for the occasional Sal and Richard moment, or ETM, but they were getting rarer and rarer. I needed something to listen to. Heard o&a, started listening to both. Then heard ron and fez. Then gave up on howard. I tried to give howard another chance a while later, but his show had turned into the "I'm having trouble with my apple computers, my food order keeps getting messed up, and AGT pre-show" show.

While O&A are popular, they aren't hollywood celebrities. They are at least relatable. Howard could spend the show complaining that his jet was late to the tarmac and John Varvatos hadnt made him enough custom black jeans.

I think this is a very typical story and Opie has brought it up a few times "We welcome anyone who wants radio more than 2 times a week".

They used to be relatable, lately ant and jimmy are more concerned with the things they are "entitled" to but aren't getting

yeah when Jimmy starts going off about how the sheets at the W are too starchy and he cant fall asleep I have to tune out. But howard has taken it to a whole new level almost to where he has convinced himself he is a germaphobe that needs pampering. Considering fans of both groups are mostly working class you would think they would know to turn it down.

So are they just ignoring the days missed?

I thought I saw a link to the recording of the O&A argument on Paltalk. Can someone repost it?

Wow, that got really heated!


Erock Army Nigga

Erock erock erock erock


Do you pretend to be retarded in order to get attention on the Internet? That's weird.


no one cares except you

Fatty piggy, Fatty piggy, Fatty piggy, Fatty piggy, Fatty piggy, Fatty piggy, Fatty piggy, Fatty piggy, MAAAAAAAAAAAAYO, MAYO, MAAAAAAAYO, MAYO

is paltalk down for anyone else or just me?

I always hear about paltalk but I have no idea what it actually is or how to get to it. you can get if for iphone too.

Yes. Getting a "Session Timeout" error at the login screen. Hrrrmph

i got the same thing the monday morning when the show was late.

at about the 1hr:49m mark opie gives a clue about the problem...talking about the agent coming (is that bob e?) a couple days too late.

So there was apparently a problem that required the presence of their manager a few days ago.

What showbusiness problems require an agent to come in and negotiate?


They also said it was a discussion that they would like to get into on the air eventually. I wouldn't hold my breath for that, but you never know.

I feel like such a teenage girl for wanting to know every detail about this situation. Yuck.

Well if 2 clients are feuding it seems like the agent might want to be there to mediate.

yep thats kinda what im getting at ;D

It's pretty stupid to make assumptions like that. Danny is Ants drinking buddy, could very well have been drunk-on-job issue, or something stupid that Opie stayed home a few days to protest.

Name the last time Ant and Danny turned upto work drunk ?

How would we know Danny is drunk at any time? He is rarely on air. Shit, he could easily be busted for buying a case of beer at lunch and bringing it into work so he can take it home later, and if SiriusXM is one of those 0-exception policy companies, they could fire him for having alcohol on the premises. Who knows?

As dumb as it sounds, seems more legit that being fired for wanting to bring a porn star to a concert.

Sirius said they wanted more "bits".

Do you pretend to be retarded in order to get attention on the Internet? That's weird.

no one cares except you