12/12/12 - Show began late and without Opie.... 3rd day in a row.

21  2012-12-12 by [deleted]


Is it just me who prefers when Opie is on? I mean, the first 30 mins are usually pretty awful, with him talking about his kids, and the others awkwardly trying to relate. But after that, there's a structure to the show that's really lacking when he's not on. When it's Nopie day, they go all over the place, have no specific subjects to address, there are no calls, no bits, etc. Yesterday only at the end of the show, they decided to talk about something in particular. It looks like there's no plan, no focus, they only talk and talk and talk, about everything and nothing at all.

Let's see today, at least there's a guest...

The skill that Opie brings to the show is the ability to transition between topics and keep the show moving. When he is absent, it is definitely noticeable.

While I agree with you and certainly appreciate what he does, I feel there are times when he hurries away from some topics too quickly.

Always leave 'em wantin' more, tool man... leave 'em wantin' more.

Always interupt them at their point, tool man... interupt them at their point

Always 'breakin' it down' when everyone is already following, tool man... breakin it down when everyone is already following.

You've got new listeners all the time in radio. You've got to let them into the world to hook them.

When you've got kids like i do tool man.... when you've got kids like i do.

I agree with this, it is very subtle so it is hard to notice unless he is not there

No, you're not. The show benefits by having one of the hosts not being quite as mentally ill with a somewhat normal life.

Exactly. Sure Opie's a bit of a dork but he keeps the wheels from falling off.

Agree completely. I find it hard to listen when he's out.

I like the no Opie shows. We don't have to listen to the awful callers and instant feedback BS.

If Ant and Jim had another comic on when opie isnt there it would help.

I for one like the no format of the Ant and Jim shows. Opie's pushing the show forward seems forced and unnecessary 90% of the time.


I don't dislike Opie but it's nice to have a break from one or the other every now and again. Yes, Opie keeps the show moving, but he also knowingly steers the show into safe, repeat topics that he knows will kill an hour. Nobody wants to hear Ant rant about politics as often as Opie steers them there and lets them sit.

It seems like politics and taxes only come up whenever opie is on, the nopie days seem to just be ant/jim shooting the shit. Wish they had a third comedian come in.

Yeah opie has some coralling skills that are missed when he' s away.

Im with you

I find myself barely listening when Opie's not there. As a result, haven't listened much at all this week and have subsisted off podcasts for my morning commute.

Personally, I prefer Nopie to Grim in the Morning.

he's unlistenable and awful. if you really listen to him it's just him either a)repeating other people's lines b)getting fake angry about something he's ill informed about or c)thinking he's hilarious for mispronouncing words. he's the only thing i can't stand about the show.

Jim subtlely commented that he prefers ADD type shows, I agree him. I don't like the structure opie brings. Down with opie!

welp...at least he's acknowledged it.

"@OpieRadio To everyone asking...me and my family are comletely fine. I'm not out cause of a personal issue. "

This needs to go to the top -such a vague response by opie - but this seems to be pointing to some kind of argument, no?

Wouldn't "argument" fall under a personal issue?

yea, I don't know what to take out of it, if it's not personal then spill the beans.


sounds like a suspension.. haha

Not sure if its Opie, but on Howard Stern today, they were discussong how Fred couldn't bring his daughter to the One Direction show, and the news team brought up that a show at SiriusXM won tickets to the event and they planned on bringing a porn star and sabotaging the event. That SiriusXM employee was disciplined.

lolol. I fucking hope so

You know I think we may have a winner. I don't think it's them that won a ticket, but Opie did give away the location of the concert. If he's suspended it's over that.

Why would Opie be suspended?

I've missed a lot this week, but from what I've gathered, they were arguing about the incident at the restaurant this weekend. If that's true, I can see it getting out of hand, and angry Opie saying some shit that got him suspended and made him miss time not "cause of a personal issue."

He could just have taken a week, over all this, off as well.

ORRR he could just be on vacation or something that's not an issue at all. Although, I doubt this.

Just speculation.

No, he's not suspended. The show started late because they were waiting to see if showed this morning.

did they actually discuss it today?

Wasn't there some type of PalTalk viewing of an incident on Monday? Are there no PalTalk viewers here?

Could somebody elaborate on this?

Ant complained on twitter that he wasn't seated quickly when he arrived at a fan event hosted at Opies brothers restaurant over the weekend. Opies brother responded by accusing Anthony of being a fancy man that thought he was better than everyone else. Monday morning this incident acted as a catalyst for a larger argument between Opie and Anthony. Opie leaves the studio right before the show starts Monday and Anthony and Jim carried on without him. Opie hasn't been back since.

Is the argument that happened on Monday confirmed or speculation?

People on paltalk said the camera was left on for part of the argument until Anthony covered up the camera on Monday.

Damn. Going on three days, now. Maybe the week.


thought i saw someone say they were watching paltalk monday morning and they dispelled the rumor that ant was there late. said he was there ready to go.

Yesterday I saw on the GTJ youtube site that a few people had seen them arguing on paltalk before anthony clicked out. I believe he was there on time and that the arguement was over annoyed tweets he sent about FH rileys on friday.


Hmm, not sure if I can fault Opie on this one. I feel like I'd be pissed if Ant came to my job and blasted it - even if he was just joking. Whatever, the show must go on.

Opie never was able to take a joke. He's the only one on the show that doesn't get fucked with regularly. Coincidence?

Sure. But in this instance I can understand why he'd be upset about it. Assuming this is the reason he's not on the show of course.

if this is truly the case, opie needs to get over it. it's been 3 days.

yep he was there right on time, he logged into the opie & anthony live room at about 6am and i saw his cam on, sadly i dont pay for paltalk so i didnt see him arguing with anyone

Copy pasting a comment posted on GTJ's blog. Cannot confirm validity, but sounds like he might be close.

Based on the comments, the Twitter pages, and what I witnessed myself on PalTalk and other users on PalTalk who went to FH Rileys over the weekend, I believe that I have been able to connect the dots.

Basically, one of Opie's brothers (I'm assuming it was Brett) or relatives was in charge of being the host of the event. The service at the restaurant ended up being a very slow clusterfuck and it took 45 minutes for Anthony to get a table. He tried to order some shit on the menu and not even one drink was served, yet he was charged for it on his bill. Anthony probably treated the host like shit as a response and possibly argued with him, which could be the source of whatever was discussed on Monday.

On Monday, still super pissed off, Opie and Anthony had a long argument with a longer version of the RATM intro and a bunch of Worst Ofs. The PT banner changed several times and at one point, it said "No show for YOU!" Anthony's anger grew, Opie left the studio and he blacked out the camera. The PalTalk room was shut down temporarily and then the show started pretty late with just Jimmy, Anthony, Sam, and the rest of the O&A staff. Someone on PalTalk also told me that Jimmy had a very angry tone in his voice on Saturday and he also complained about the poor customer service.

So both Opie and his brother suck at what they do for a living and are big crybabies. Who knew?

I think the show is fine when either one of them is out, but regardless who's out, it feels like it's missing something, because they both bring something to the show.

This is definitely starting to seem like a more serious thing. With the amount of time they spent shitting on the XFL stuff yesterday, I think the fact that nobody made fun of opie at all during the segment is pretty telling. If he was just out sick, they'd have torn him apart and talked about it later. I think the only person who even uttered his name was Sam.

p.s. i'm sure opie made me laugh at least 5 times during the 3 Joe Piscopo segments.

I noticed the same thing in the XFL segment. I was listening carefully for even any acknowledgement of Opie, but it never came. The most telling was when they played the clip of Opie saying "cheerLEEEAAADER" in a hack voice, it went a silent and no one said a thing. Like they knew that was something to jump on but no one dared.

I was thinking the same thing. Also it confirmed to me something that I've suspected for a long time. No matter how big of a douche Opie is, or how unfunny something he says is, NEVER acknowledge it until he does first.

They should have East-Side dave in as a rotation third mike when these inevitable 1-2 days a week of Anthony being "sick", Opie having kid problems, or Jimmy being out on tour happen. With the expectation of the first of the three to finally bow out, dave would replace.

ESD is too much of a stunt boy. Fine in small doses. Not suitable for 4 hours daily.

have you heard his davey mac sports program? I think he was a stuntboy back when thats all he was capable of doing. I honestly think he would at least be better than Sam who has taken it upon himself to be 4th mic suddenly.

Fuck that ginger buffoon, I'm glad they don't.

Example: Jimmy and Opie argument starts at 3:40


I thought the argument between Opie and Anthony a few years ago was worse. It was definitely more personal. Opie seemed to be the problem in both cases, but thats just me.

You mean about Ant eating grapes on the air? That was nothing compared to the stupid shit he started with Jimmy. Ever since that show, I've hated Opie. He's a prick.

Holy shit I've only been listening since like late 2010 I had never really heard an in studio argument. :cringe:


Yes, a few times.


Opie spoke to it on Facebook, aside from on the radio show, as well.

They played their interview on December 10 during the third break. Right when it got to them crying, the news came in that the show had been cancelled and that prank calls would be suspended across the platform. Jimmy reacted appropriately, blaming lawyers and the station for not backing their talent. He was annoyed. Anthony kind of sounded like he expected it and it's business as usual.

At this point it seems that this all points to an argument between O&A. They've been known to argue on the air in the past and Op ends up being the big baby whereas Jim and Ant try to be the voice of reason. I don't agree with what many people say (particularly Op's brother) about remembering where you came from and to be a bit humble and grateful to those that gave you a break.

Yes, Op gave Ant a chance but if it wasn't for Ant's talent, the show would not be where it is now. Most of the time Op just sits in the background and contributes nothing and I think sort of realizes that he's been overshadowed by his partner. Anyone with a radio background can come on board and do the same stuff that Op does. I don't hate the guy but he needs to come back to reality and realize its not all about him. In Op's defense. I will say it was wrong for Ant to go on Twitter and vent his rage.

You don't shit on people you are supposed to be partners/friends with in public. And you especially don't trash their businesses to over 100k followers. You address it with them DIRECTLY, not whine like a baby on twitter.

If I was Opie or his brother I'd be pissed too. That's how Opie's Bro and the people that work for him make their livings and feed their families.

To have someone that is supposedly a friend and your brother's business partner shit all over you on twitter about the wait without coming to you first isn't good for you business and it isn't appropriate.

Ant should have asked for Brett or called Opie directly. Not taken to twitter for all the world to read...

That is what a grown man would have done. Anthony has the mental capacity of a 14 yo boy. Don't expect too much.

nice try opie

Yep and still no explanation, its a very suspicious time...

Oh jesus christ Erock bought a fucking harry potter trainset...i hope it gets stuck behind a tiny branch and cant get out of the station and the driver dies of malnutrition

that's fairly specific. I just wish smash-opie was still around.

are they not taking callers because only Opie does that? or because they don't want people asking where's Op?

Combination of both probably, Ant hates callers.

Ant hates callers.

reminds him of when he was a nobody tin knocker, it's like getting a call from christmas past.

Its kinda funny/ironic that Ant hates most fans and Opie takes all the calls and integrates all the fans into the show, while all the fans hate opie and think Ant is the greatest thing in radio since Stern.

Opie is an ego maniac, that's why he's in the role that he is. Anthony won the lottery and is talented without trying. I think he believes he earned it but really his penance is to show up every day and crack wise. Doesn't seem like work till you have to do it, but then getting up at 5a every day sounds pretty awful.

he is a great american. Ant of course, not dumb Opie.

tsss yeah it's worse than a 17 year old Christmas present er sumthin.

I figure when Ant or Opie are out, duties shift around and there is no one to screen calls.

If something were seriously wrong with his kid, I dont think opie would be sending out funny/insulting tweets. I think it would be easy to rule that out at this point.

I'm still pointing towards Anthonys tweets and FH rileys responses. Or thermite paint.

I'm going to go ahead and agree with you here, but only with the thermite paint.





And they wonder why they have no vacation/sick days left all year long...

I think its hilarious, especially since they work what, 25 hours a week?

Still 20 more hours than Howard.


I wouldn't mind having Opie and Anthony doing two days a week each and then both in on Fridays. It would be up to Jimmy to decide if he wants do all days or they could bring another comic in (Dan Soder or Derosa).

I think it would mix up the 'rinse and repeat' aspect people dislike.



I agree, nopie shows can be good and fun. But the energy in the shows this week feels like how people would act after a big fight giving it that forced "laugh through the pain" feel.

What was the movie they were referencing today? About some kid getting killed bad? Anyone know?

maybe opie flipped out over the one direction thing

One direction thing?

didn't he say he had a niece that he wanted to get in to see them. he got denied and butthurt. just a theory.

opies not going to quit his millionaire gig that hes under contract with cuz of his niece.

He didn't say he got denied, he said he gave up because he knew it was futile.

You guys are idiots. The last few Nopie shows have ruled. It's so great hearing guys shoot the shit like regular human beings without having the fun stopped by a baby that gets butt hurt when no one laughs at his horrible jokes and then points out the joke that everyone tried to ignore. Good riddance.

you are beyond predictable.

do you ever get tired of thinking up corny catchphrases like "nopie show" and literally devoting your entire existence on this website to whining about a millionaire who will never acknowledge you?

just curious

its the internet. what else are you supposed to do here?


i'm sure a lot of people would say the same about you. to each his own.


this would be an appropriate opportunity for me to say it.


hahah unlike Opie, i could give a fuck if famous people acknowledge me. im here to fuck with you 'opie dick suckers.' shit, i need to rest now after thinking up that catchphrase.

we're not "opie dick suckers", we're people who listen to the show without projecting our shitty angst and frustration with our lives all over the material or personalities provided by the show

pathetic fellow, this is the fourth or fifth time i've asked you about your weird habits and you still aren't coming up with anything logical

it will be the last time, enjoy your sad existence

Yes, that happens sometimes with his jokes... and it's a lot of fun!

BTW, off the top of your head, without looking for it, tell me 5 subjects that were adressed monday and yesterday... You see why Opie is needed now?

  1. Austrian suicide bitch
  2. taylor swift selling out stadiums
  3. that super concert thing that jimmy would pay a million dollars for
  4. that gymnast bitch with her smirk/twitter hymen stuff
  5. Zimmerman still being a hero and suing the liberal media

Let me counter... off the top of your head, tell me 5 times opie made you laugh real good... You see why Opie sucks so bad?

Fair enough sir. But you have to agree there's simply no way the OPIE and Anthony show doesn't need OPIE. I mean, he's part of the essence of the show, it's un recognizable without him. When he's not on, it's simply two or three guys rambling about everything that comes to their mind, with no goal whatsoever... and three days without a phone call? C'mon, Opie and Anthony without phone calls is not Opie and Anthony :-)

tell em. these fuck these opie dick suckers

yeah i agree with you. opie is horrible.

I'm going to go ahead and agree with you here, but only with the thermite paint.

When you've got kids like i do tool man.... when you've got kids like i do.