11/28/12 is the one-year anniversary of Patrice's death. Post your favorite Patrice clips and share your favorite Patrice memories.

48  2012-11-27 by [deleted]


I still think him laughing at Bobo might be the best.

I agree. Patrice in the "Up and Down Game" is by far my favorite because it's so genuine.


his shaking then falling down was priceless

Dinosaur forest

God, this was the best.


Fucking yes!

FYI it's the 29th. Source

Not to get too sappy but I don't think there's a day that goes by that I don't think about him, especially when I'm listening to O&A. It's amazing to me that he could have that profound an effect on me and I never even met him.

Nigga vs Nazi

Patrice vs. Gallagher

"It's Cold Out Here"

Patrice's United States of America

Patrice Hates Asians

Patrice Smashes Intern David (I miss that Jew)


I have to stop myself from linking all of fucking YouTube. Anything time he spoke it was solid gold. The show is noticeably different without him, not necessarily worse, but different.

RIP Patrice.

I don't understand how everyone is saying 28th still (I know it's not THAT important).

Jimmy broke the news right before the Gary Oldman interview which was on the 29th proof from my archives.

I just remember the 30th being a 'Patrice Tribute Show' with pretty much every comedian stopping by. No news or anything else was discussed, just Patrice stories. It was such an amazing show but also incredibly gut-wrenching. The whole time I was just waiting for Patrice to walk in and just start motherfucking everyone, he was the only thing missing, but of course that never happened

Kind of sad that perhaps the best Patrice show, was one he wasn't even on.

And of course Attell coming in and saying "we have a purple suit and a giant coffin to buy" is one of the top 10 lines in show history.


this was my second choice.

Let's submit something to /r/funny and all upvote it.

Patrice vs Dr. Z A perfect example of Patrice's brilliance.

This was the clip that got me into OnA in the first place. I knew nothing about them, but somehow stumbled upon the full Dr. Z show. Hooked ever since.

My absolute favorite Patrice moment was when they went through the top ten country songs. "It's Rainin Stuff" is the greatest song ever.

It's rainin stuff, halleluiah its rainin things

Patrice's opinion being changed by Norton about Face/Off is what got me into Patrice and O&A www.youtube.com/watch?v=XcXOryOXC40

Patrice singing with Warren Haynes

It still brings a tear to my eye. I may not have always agreed with him, but he was the best.

Two words: Cheetah Heals

Bat knuckles.

I personally wrote an extremely long, heartfelt, faggoty blog post all about Patrice.

Here's a clip of Black Phillip that changed my life profoundly on love.

The Bobo up-down game is probably the most genuine belly laugh every on the show. Also, when they broke bobo's heart with the Australian chick, and Patrice was hitting on her, and Bobo called him a spade. Lastly, Patrice being convinced Face-Off is not a good movie by Jimmy. Oh god, I miss Patrice.

does anyone have a link to the up-down game?

I loved when Bobo went "fuck you spade" and it was one of those rare time Patrice had nothing to say.


hahahah and then just follows up with, "now that you say it that way."

As much as I love all the more popular Patrice appearances, my personal favorite is this one from June 2011. Just a regular spot where he comes on and does an hour pretty much straight with very little back and forth, talking about fame, success, etc.

Its just fucking brilliant all around

There will never ever be anyone even close to as good as him. I'm glad O&A fans know this better than most.

(Shameful shameless plug)

Relive it all here: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL54D4E295C11CC4F4&feature=plcp

a couple more will go up today, and I'm pretty sure that will be all of them.

Thank you so much for your uploads. I've listened to all the Louie and Jefferies ones and I am making my through the Patrice ones now. They are all great stuff. Also, good choice with Colin Quinn for the new playlist. Thank you again.

does anybody have that clip of Patrice on Fox News where he is talking about the Michael Richards incident and there is a black LA comic on Skype or some shit? There was a gold moment in that where the LA comic said something and Patrice didnt hear him and asked what he said, then realized whatever he said wasnt funny and told him to shut up. Princess Patrice. I havent been able to find that clip in awhile.

Well,everyone knows the classics, but one of my fave moments is where he's fighting with danny about using his pc to look up dodgy sites. Patrice says 'something....somethings wrong with danny'. Its one of those brief moments you can see how patrice could pull anything out of his ass and get you on board with it

Does anyone have the bit about fast food places in the ghetto? Where they are 2 stories high and only the shady niggas go upstairs?

I bought the audible tracks, best of and all his itunes bits. Been searching for this fast food clip.

Is there a clip of him on Alex Jones but edited to take out all of Alex Jones' stupid commercials?

Last year I was going through a horrific personal experience. This time last year I was losing my beloved Grandma. She found out she had cancer the same week of Patrice's stroke. She died shortly before he did. Too fast. It was a shock.

I wear my mp3 player round the clock listening to my O&A and R&F. Last year I had to bail out of listening to my guys because I turn to them to get me through whatever I'm dealing with. And I am a huge Patrice fan and supporter. Met him twice, emails between us, saw his shows and have signed stuff from the meets. I loved him. And to have to lose him at the same time I lost my Grandmother was just too much. I zoned out of life until mid 2012. I have not listened to any of the tributes that O&A put together last year. I was too wrapped up in mourning Gma and I just couldn't mourn Patrice on top of that. Today I'm stronger and I'm going to fill up my player with everything Patrice I have on my hard drive, and I'm going to go outside do lots of yardwork picking up sticks and debris while listening to him and prepare a massive bonfire for tonight. I miss that screaming laugh, damnit. To Patrice {toast}

"Calmo, calmo..."

Another classic Patrice moment that people might have missed. Anthony doesn't appear on Black Phillip Show, but goes and does the Lazlow show. Patrice calls in unannounced to call Anthony on his shit:
