When did the show turn into 'Opies Twitter Recap?'

0  2012-11-12 by opiesucks

every story he has begins with him on Twitter. or he'll try to relate every fucking story to his kids and him being a dad. Jesus christ, i cant be the only one that notices this shit. lets please get past that he moves the show along or if i dont like it, turn the show off. they're the 2 worst hack arguments for dumb Opie. can't you Opie butt lovers at least agree with something I say?? I have got to be pointing out something true. i know im despised here on Reddit but shit, i gotta be nailing some of this shit.

reddit? comment?


then unfollow him on twitter? or stop listening to the show? or cope? eithers way eat dick.

dont have to follow him, again, he recaps everything on the show. wont stop listening because one of the greatest americans that ever exists is on the show. i will not eat dick.

whatever falsefan

whatever falseman ( fucken double dicks)

whatever clevercommentor

They've been talking about twitter for years now...

WE GET IT! Find another schtick!

Sike. Opie fuckin sucks at his job. He should keep acting, he's better at that.


If he has nothing to talk about maybe he could keep his fucking mouth shut rather then butting in just to hear himself talk/ ruin a joke to "keep things moving" yuck


How is this guy with a successful radio show peddling a shit youtube channel like a gay teenager.... neat basketball shot cunt

About two years ago.