The anniversary of Patrice's death is next month. To help out his wife and family we should all post and upvote links to r/funny and r/videos throughout the month to expose his brilliance to the reddit community and help boost sales of his material.

104  2012-10-22 by ol_dantucker


I'm going to saturate r/relationships with Black Phillip

I think listening to Patrice's ramblings would help most of these pathetic guys talking about the friend zone.

I feel like I should send them and omgwtfitssteve money for all the hours of patrice entertainment I enjoy every day.

Steve's a hack! Whoever put up the Patrice & Bill show is the true hero!

accepting money for someone else's content is retarded and i won't do it. some dude did offer me high quality weed, but i never answered back though

that's smart, hold out for the weed AND a hand job.

I'm down...

I watched Elephant in the Room for the first time in a long time the other day and I teared up at the beginning but proceeded to laugh my ass off. The man was just so goddamn profound and insightful on issues like race and relationships

I'm all for it! Pepsi cola rapist time!!!

How exactly will submitting Patrice's material to redddit "help" his family? It's the equivalent of changing your Facebook picture to your favorite cartoon character to support kids that were diddled.

Unfortunately Patrice never quite reached that top tier of comics. Though he was arguably the best of his generation, he never got to a Louis CK, Dane Cook, Dave Attell level status. As OandA made clear in the wake of his death, his wife Vaughn was depending on sales of Mr.P, Elephant in the Room, and other material of his, to support her and her kid. Promoting this material to the huge audience that is reddit, will bring more awareness to Patrice, and thus then, help push sales of said material, thus then, helping his family.

Your attitude pisses me off. Don't be an obnoxious cunt scab.