Look Megan, Quit trying to make it happen, It's not gonna happen.

12  2012-10-11 by [deleted]

You know who you are Megan. You're such a REGULAR. Stahp.


Eww, she thinks she's a regular.

Megan is also a redditor

Yeah and she also tried to do an AMA on this board. It was really douchey.


Do you think she'll call in tomorrow and tell them that they know who she is?

And she thinks she's special because she sends Jimmy pics. We all have, lady.


you got pics?



Hi Megan.


I should have known - because you're a regular and all.


As an engineer I would rate this comment 10/10, you truly amazing person! This is gonna be the top post. My reaction to it.



I liked Megan's call, Opie is fucking retarded. First twists a story around, then gets all dramatic about sending his kid to school.

he sucks.


As a sidenote, I really wish people would stop thinking that it's cute to spell words wrong. It's not, it's fucking retarded.



Fetch is not happening

Post the turtleneck pic and stop being so fucking stingy.

tsss I hope she gets slapped with a bag a dicks er sumptin


you got pics??


.... awwww man


Why don't you take some time, calm down and we can talk about this when you're less emotional.


I'm not serious at all. Your call yesterday reminded me about your last post. If people aren't busting your balls, they don't like you.

.... awwww man