I Broke My Knee Man!

17  2012-09-20 by [deleted]


I don't get why Dane Cook gets so much hate now. Like its the cool thing to hate on Dane Cook for his comedy. Now, don't get me wrong, I've been doing stand up comedy for a while and I know a lot of comics don't really like him because of the accusations of him "stealing" bits from other comics but I really don't get why people say he isn't funny? I don't find him funny ANYMORE but I did for a while. There is a reason why he is so successful and so is Larry the Cable Guy. Those guys know how to hit their demographics!

I think it is a combination of him being really popular and some of his jokes not being jokes, just good delivery.

I don't really hate the guy, I've just never found him funny. Not really something I can help. I think there are a lot of people who feel the same way, and the reason they get annoyed is because most stand-up fans can name at least ten comics who they think deserve to be bigger than Dane Cook, but who get nowhere near the amount of recognition.

Comedy is just another form of art, self expression. I guess Dane Cook's comedy is the easiest for the masses to grasp and at the same time, the easiest for people to disagree with. Can't knock the guy though, he's doing what he loves and making a living doing it.



Without Tourgasm, I would have never seen Lucky Louie. They aired the same night and I really liked Dane Cook's material at the time, so I gave both shows a shot. I ended up loving Lucky Louie more, not trying to insult Dane, it was just the better show.

I love the remix this spawned.

Per Bill Burr,

"I love how you hear 'I broke my knee man' three times where you think it's a loop, then you hear 'I broke my knee, dude' at the end."

I could hear him yell "I broke my knee man" a million times and it gets funnier every time

Bobbies the shit