If this was my namesake, I might have become James Hefner as well

7  2019-09-09 by Single_Action_Army


Childspit is my meme about brotherjoe

Awww, not getting enough attention at this time?

Oh I meant to type "favorite meme" no I'm not that smart

It's okay, I forgive you 😘

You're a better man than me

Those upvotes are glorious

how does it have 119k downvotes?

If you can break 50% likes on Urban Dictionary your definition is usually quality

It's probably because it's the most upvoted definition on their entire site and people come across it all the time without having any idea why it's so popular so they downvote it. The reason it's so highly upvoted is that a few people here I believe did some elite haxxoring and kept continuously upvoting it.

I'm 16 and don't know dick about the internet.

Let you in on a little secret buddy, Crlt alt delete, don’t tell anyone

119k brother Joes.