Listen to the way Bovine brains says ‘filet mignon’

20  2019-09-07 by ZombieRoeCumia


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Nice thick layer of well done around the perimeter, stupid. Get a sous vide, numb nuts.

Even cast iron will do a better job than that; especially if he lets the steak reach room temperature before starting to cook it so he doesn't get such a vicious temperature gradient on the inside.

I guess Private Peeler wasn't allowed near the expensive ingredients in the army.

Fucking waste of human life.

What a dumb fucking retarded fuck

That could have been a relative of his that he ate. Just sickening.

That doesn't look perfect to me.


Just the way I like it. Cooked too long on one side. That's good eatin' folks.

Bovine logic: If half the steak well done and the other half is still raw it averages out to medium.

Too bad he didn't choke to death on a bite of his perfect "flamin'yo."

Flaming yawn

You're supposed to let it rest for a few minutes. Looks like he took it right off the grill and cut into it. Joe can't even get that right. He really fucks everything up doesn't he?

Great! Now you niggers have me all self-conscious. He pronounces it how I pronounce how am I actually supposed to pronounce it?!

Fillett Migg Non


Joe is so retarded that he ripped out the most expensive part of his body and decided to cook & eat it instead of sell it.

To be fair, dairy cows don't make for good eating.

This would be considered cannibalism, right?


Fillay Mingione

Nice veggies, stupid.