Fat fucking faggot. And also a nigger.

51  2019-09-07 by MacJInTheBay


All 9 of Joe's brain cells hard at work here

Hey, leave Bollywood Mr. Clean alone.

Just another buck toothed light bulb headed somalian

In hindsight that infamous People's Court appearance was the dumbest thing he possibly could have done. He essentially dared the Redditards to come at him and they did and now here we are, doubled over in hilarity as Uncle Udders spirals downward in a self-inflicted social media tailspin, spending every waking hour penning retarded screeds and sending out takedown notices.

Perfectly said. One of many poets in our midst.

That is unfair to niggers

Why didn’t any of you faggots upvote my earlier Joeth post? 😭

Gayest face ever

I only hate him because he’s a racist bigot dick sucking underage prostituting faggot. I dont care much about his impersonation crimes.