Nice novel, stupid (this isn’t even close to half of what he wrote)

77  2019-09-06 by smashthafunk


He is obsessed. He has psychopathic focus on Reddit.


If you're reading this Joe, how about you walk away for a few days. You don't seem well

He should pretend we're his mother.

Lmao yep

And die.

Glad to see u back snake

I smell a new backup sub...


Very sad I couldn't join.

The banner has to be the dancing coffin negroes.

He appears to have a complete and total lack of understanding re: what this even is. He apparently cannot grasp that's it's all just a goof on him, one he keeps fueling with his non-stop idiocy. He's assigning all kinds of traits and motives to the stupid subs that simply do not exist at all. It seems to have taken on a wildly outsized importance in his mind which leads to even more grandiose idiocy which just serves to fuel the mockery even more and he's the only one who doesn't grasp it.


It’s not libel if it’s documented truth.

That's basically the only thing keeping legal action against the subs. They don't want any uncompromised legal authorities to start looking into Ant and Joe's shady past.

The hurricane is nowhere near Alabama you blithering fat fucking faggot ox

What a mentally ill old man.

Also, good thing you took that picture, you own it now. Joe even said so.

this is why the editing process is necessary for the human mind to grow self-awareness. If I'd have written that much, and read it back, I'd delete it and walk outside for a bit.


He definitely didn't sleep a wink last night because he was here all night and day, as usual.

It's hilariously overblown. "Abysmal libel and hate"...LOL, huh? He clearly put hours into that screed. He seems to believe he's in some sort of high-stakes battle of the wits here and not just being goofed on for his huge-titted hilarity.

No effect on their lives.


At least he got 1 “abysmal” in there. Reminds me of his television appearance

I'd likely never join any O&A related sub ever again if it weren't for Joe. The absurdity here is hilarious but he can't just walk away.


This was almost as long as Joe's post.

He's saying "stop talking about us or I'll keep taking illegal measures to silence you" while in the same breath professing himself to be a 1st Amendment advocate. He really has zero self-awareness whatsoever and is woefully ignorant of how perpetually imbecilic he sounds, and looks.

So how likely do you think u/RamonFrunkis's case is? Do you think it really will be a slam dunk?

Discovery ( is what I (and I'm sure u/TheBlueAwning) are looking forward to if u/RamonFrunkis is seriously going through with this. What Joseph Cumia will be required to divulge in this process will be a matter of public record and there's nothing he can do to DMCA it into disappearing.

Desktop link:

/r/HelperBot_ Downvote to remove. Counter: 278038. Found a bug?

That's all way and good (and funny), unto itself. My question (and my hope) is: Will Joe pay hard, LEGALLY, for all of this besides just revealing some stuff he doesn't want out there?

If it's civil court and he's found liable, absolutely. He'll have a judgment to pay along with fines, court costs, his own lawyer fees, and very likely the Plaintiff's lawyer fees and court costs as well. Then, if anyone decides to prosecute him in criminal/Federal court, he's in another world of hurt having to pay attorneys to defend him, and that usually drags on for many, many years.

So, it would bankrupt Ant?

A federal charge? Very likely, unless Anthony can take out another shady mortgage on his McMansion to cover it, which I doubt since that thing is worth almost a million dollars less than Anthony's purchase price.

I know, I was mostly joking about how Ant pays Joe’s bills.

He really, really, really hates being called "Welfare Joe".

And I'm sure welfare recipients aren't psyched to have him lumped in with them, either.

Hell if he actually was found guilty of a federal crime he would probably lose his gun rights too. Nice little two piece combo.

But he would relish all the gay prison sex he would be getting. We may have lost that battle.

I think you guys are getting to him.

It's odd seeing something so long and knowing there is nothing intelligent whatsoever contained within.

He called us Al Capone, and his family and friends Elliot Ness.

We own that fat, racist pedophilic retard

He could’ve written 10 job applications in the time it took him to write that.

Perhaps more than that.

He really is hilarious. His delusions of grandeur are so out of proportion to his actual mental and physical capabilities that you can't help but laugh. If he was doing a Peter Sellers-style mock fatuous character it would go down as one of the greatest performance art pieces ever done. Unfortunately for him (but thankfully for us) he's just incredibly, breathtakingly stupid and completely lacking any self-awareness whatsoever.

If it was performance art, it would be absolutely brilliant. He’s such a good representation of wanna-be tough guy, virtue signaling, thinks he’s intelligent boomer

What a colossal faggot.


This nigga retarded. God be with him, no BS.

"I'm done with the love letters."

"One word....Subpoena!"

What a fag

How is posting screengrabs of him being racist and silencing the whole selfcutting saga not evidence? Joe you are fucking stupid, you made your podcast logo look like a swastika, what the fuck did you think would happen? A bravery award? Cunt!

/u/Doxxer100 I thought you had my IP address and personal info? I've been telling you for months to publically expose me. Considering you lie about your military "career", you being full of shit comes at no surprise

"The core purpose your sub is driven by envy"

In that case wouldn't a paul mccartney hate sub make more sense?

Nice prnt scrn, stupid


This is too good. Have the thread backed up. Every comment after Bovine Joe is calling him out and It's all true. Joe you really are fucking dumb.

“legal pedophilia”

In other words, Anthony is definitely a pedophile but we lack evidence on par with what’s needed in court to convict him. Nice pedophile brother, stupid.

He doesn't seem to realise the sub thrives on anything he does or writes, so writing a 1000 word post detailing his fanciful theories and unwittingly exposing his fascinating psychological complexes for us is completely self-defeating as it gives us further fuel to pick apart for weeks. How many new "Joe Quotables" has this latest outpouring given us?

It's just as funny as "starve Nana" was. He thinks he has it all figured out but he isn't even close, which just makes it even funnier.

All Photos and videos on the internet were taken by someone, therefore someone owns the copyright to every last one of those photos and videos

This man is a literal retard.


I’m gonna buy me an eight ball and read all This shit later. Y’all fuckers better not get banned till I get back.

Be safe!

It’s just coke not kratom

Uncle Udders is just like Nana, they just don't understand that their maniacal social media obsessions are the bit. They both seriously believe it's "something else". Nana has convinced himself he's some sort of free speech crusader and Moo Tits seems to believe the "redditards" are just jealous of him. Neither of them appears to grasp that their social media addictions are the root source of the mockery.

What a geriatric faggot.

with legal authorization by others who wish they had the time and energy to do so

Translated to reality: I also submit false DMCA claims on behalf of my younger brother because he is too busy tweeting, hosting his miserable failure of a podcast and getting fucked up on Xanax and Bud Light to file false DMCA claims of his own. He pays me a rapidly diminishing allowance which gives me the free time to sit around filing false DMCA claims when I'm not out on tour playing "gigs" in parking lots and at plastic bag conventions using the intellectual property of actual musicians without their authorization.

Joe should do a TED Talk

How To Handle Your Trolls And Come Out On Top