Federal Agent Joe sets out to stop ruthless Chicago gangster O&A subreddit.

50  2019-09-21 by Psych555


Me and the bookkeeper are goin’ away. So you ain’t got nothin.

Joe: squirts roughly two pints of urine in fear.

What are you prepared to moo?


A violent racist pedophile becomes preeminent, he's expected to have enthusiasms. Enthusiasms... Enthusiasms... What are mine? What draws my admiration? What is that which gives me joy?

holds up a dirty milk jug filled with a strange-looking liquid

Child spit!

"You wanna get the Pests? This is what you do....they get a gig cancelled, you get a sub banned. They send one of ours to obscurity, we send one of them a DMCA! That's the Cumia way!"