Lotta problems in that room...

19  2019-09-21 by billdipshitbellamy


Jeffery Hollanders KP watching chair at Compound East

Perfectly legal!

It looks like Bobo got a deal on that acoustic foam from the Great White concert venue.

What kind of fucking maniac paints a room bright red?

nigga got a DAW room lookin like a shitty art gallery lmao

He so badly wants to be taken seriously as a real musician..every room in that house is set up "in case an artistic fever dream of inspiration takes over" but all he does is play covers and parodies... It's really quite sad ackchewly.

This is just a generic sound room to show Joe we don't need his stupid face everywhere. It's much nicer than Joe's recording space inside Bobo's basement.

Is that scorch on the monitor? Thats PFG!