patrick is so hatable

1  2019-09-14 by therealstinks

we have turned all missiles at him and he has nothing to do with o&a i dont even think about opie anymore


As talentless as he is, Opie is just living his life. Hes on the pay no mind list. Pat could be on that list, if he could just follow Opies lead, but he needs that validation from strangers

no 100% opie ignored us and soon enough we got bored and turned on the other two. if anyone really “beat” us its him. i dont even really hate him anymore

its also funny how all this started from him saying norm wasnt funny than someone saw the rest of his tweets

It’s amazing this retard was uncovered

"I'm sorry, who are you?"

And then Pat went full Cumia 'social media follower count' retard. The rest was history.

Roe Cumia

Dead Roe Cumia

Lmao, that was an interesting period in the sub history.

Back in the day when Patso still had the blue checkmark. Those days are long, long gone .

Twitter really is the root of most of his problems.

It's the root of most of the world's problems. I wish that idiot that hacked the CEO's account had done something useful with that power.

Pat bashing was kinda on the way out, too. The Logan Lynn sub got maybe a new post every other day or so. But

It's good to know SNN is all in with Pat coverage.