When the political firebrand turns into the child

34  2019-09-14 by Mintwa


Why did you post two of the same image?

Nice try, child. Clearly I am the one on the right. No I mean the left... nope it's the right.

We know he would fuck both though.

He MUCH rather prefer the right. The left pic is kinda fat and disgusting.

No joke it honestly doesn't look much different. Genuinely I'd tell you if it did.

Do you think Patrick got hard to this?

I now understand now why Pedo Pat lets the bulls take aim at his asshole too after Nikki. He let them as a child too. All pedophiles are child rape victims that are perpetrating the same crimes to children that were done to them when they were children. Also explains Pats love for young black boys because they are the ones that turned him out like a thanksgiving turkey. Its his way of "getting back at the man". What a racist piece of shit you are Patrick.

Don't show Nana this her teeth might fall out

Looks like he’s wearing one of gramma’s pearl earrings.