For a certain faggot on this sub.

23  2019-09-13 by xterraroc


Only moderators can use that option.

It said it was sent... I usually don’t block, down vote or report anything but this guy is a total buzz kill.

All my reports are authentic. I reported real rule violations.

And just outed the mod of this sub.

I bet he feels bullied by the faggots of the other sub and is desperate to get in their good graces again lmao

Keep it up, the more reports, more of a headache for reddit, more likely theyll take serious action and began instabanning newly created subs in furure

.ps- i just reported you for targetted harrassment lol

Awesome... Keep fighting the good fight snowflake! Taking one sub down at a time turning Reddit to your very own safe space.

Why did you stop with the whole 🤣🤣🤣 thing? That was at least a consistent bit, you fucking faggot.

I love that just a few posts a day consumes you for hours. It's never going to stop for you.

Keep reporting, you bovine retard. This will never ever end. The more you piss us off, the more we become determined to fuck with you until the very day you die. As much as I have smashed Opie (every time someone acts like he’s not a massive faggot too) at least he knew that ignoring us meant we would eventually piss off. You are a wannabe tough guy fag who can’t learn the most rudimentary of lessons and so you will continue to provide years of amusement for those of us with literally nothing better to do.
